Kanye West says that it has been used and that it will now focus on the art


Yeezy is okay.

The famous pro-Trump rapper Kanye West is complaining Tuesday of having been "used" and decided to leave the political world to focus more on his music and his design work.

West, who held a strange meeting with President Trump at the White House, tweeted his vision of a better world while announcing his departure from politics.

"My eyes are now wide open and realize now that I'm used to broadcasting messages I do not believe," the rapper "Yeezus" wrote.

"I stand out from politics and focus completely on creativity !!!"

West, who made a pro-Trump rant last month wearing a MAGA hat during "Saturday Night Live", tried to highlight his "real beliefs".

"I support those who risk their lives to serve and protect us, as well as the empowerment of those who abuse their power," he wrote.

"I believe in love and compassion for people seeking asylum and parents who are fighting to protect their children from violence and war."

Candace Owens, a renowned expert, has also been criticized for naming her project on the departure of the African-American Democratic Party "Blexit".

"I've never wanted to associate with Blexit," he wrote. "I have nothing to do with that."

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