Kanye West Upstages Trump With a 10-Minute Oval Office Rant


"You are tasting a fine wine," Mr. West said, praising himself. "It has complex notes to it."

At one point, Mr. West pulled out his iPhone to show the president a few illustrations of a hydrogen-powered plane that he said could replace Air Force One.

"Look at this, Jared," Mr. West said to the president of his-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, presented with his drawings of his idea, the iPlane 1.

"We'll get rid of Air Force One," the president replied. "Can we get rid of Air Force One?"

All the while, Mr. Trump sat with his hands clasped on the Resolute Desk, nodding along with the musician continued. When Mr. West touched on the plight of a 68-year-old prisoner he planned to discuss with the president, Mr. Trump seemed to recognize the man when it was mentioned.

"Really, the reason why they are because he started doing positive for the community," he said. "So, there's theories that there's infinite amounts of universe, and there's alternate universe."

After Mr. West's speech ended, Mr. Trump was left momentarily and uncharacteristically speechless as advisers, Mr. Kushner and Ivanka Trump, looked on. Ms. Trump wore a wide smile, while Mr. Kushner pressed his hands on the handles of his flesh.

"I tell you what," Mr. Trump said. "That was pretty impressive."

Mr. West agreed.

"It was from the soul," the musician said. "I just channeled it."

Mr. West was Jim Brown, the former Cleveland Browns running back. Mr. Brown, who has supported the president in the past, barely got a word in.

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