Kanye West warns Drake, Nick Cannon and Tyson Beckford to stop talking about Kim Kardashian


UPDATE: Nick Cannon answered to Kanye Westwarning of Kim Kardashian.

In an Instagram video released Thursday afternoon, Cannon said, "I just landed in Houston, we sold the Toyota Center tonight, but I just got a message … C & # 39; is a beautiful thing, glad you come back with me, just love and respect for you, you know I've always had that, but honestly I have to say that my guy, I n & # 39; I have never said anything disrespectful, hurtful, in my opinion at your wedding or your union, I salute him, keep going, but you will not tell me what I can and what I can not say, I am a strong person, someone ask me a question, I will answer to the best of my abilities, I will give my opinion and there is no harm to anything, I know that your mind has become weird, holla to me, you know where I am because you know the spirit of a man is free, but pride sometimes binds him.If you have to leave him free, let him be safe. escape. "

In a second Instagram video, Cannon then invited West to come Wild & n Out.


Kanye West addresses a few points that are "not good" with his mind.

Now that he's "out of the pour", rapper "Stronger", 41, went to Instagram Thursday to express his feelings about Duck, Nick Cannon and Tyson Beckford to talk about his wife, Kim Kardashian. West begins his video series on social media by calling Cannon, who The amazing Kardashian family star.

"First of all, I want to talk to Nick Cannon," West says in the video post. "Like, I understand you going out with my wife, but you get an interview, do not talk about my wife.If someone brings my wife, you say," Hey, I respect that man, I do not speak on that. & # 39; Do not make suggestions, as if no one was supporting my wife. "

"Now the next thing is with Drake," West continues, raising the Pusha T quarrel. "Yeah I said that if I was not in a medical condition, I might have had thoughts to … say" Hey Pusha, do not dispel Drake on my beats "And I talked about that and took responsibility for that."

West then evoked rumors that Kardashian would be "Kiki" from Drake's song "In My Feelings".

"What I'm looking for, so that my mind takes its responsibilities, is the fact that there are people who make rumors or think that you have helped my wife, and you do not say anything and you wear it like that, it does not sit well with my mind, "says West to Drake." You know, if I had a girlfriend from Chicago, her name was Renita and then you were married to RihannaI would not make a song called "Riri". So when you're like, "Oh, I do not know where it comes from!" You're too smart for that, brother. You know where it comes from. Do not make any disc with anything that can be confused. "

"I told you, I did not tell Pusha any information about your baby, your baby, nothing like that, it does not come from me," says West. "But when you played that record for me in the studio that said," We have Kylies, we have Kendalls, "I said," Travis is your man, do not make a record like that. . That right man had a baby with her, it's going to be offensive, it's going to be offensive to her.

West says that he talked to Travis Scott about the disc "Ecstasy" to make sure they were all good because they are family.

"So, I told you not to do that, so it's like, do not talk about anyone in my family, nothing that can be mentioned with my wife, no point, no one." # 39; has more to talk about, I do not give energy to that, "says West." And also, regarding Tyson Beckford, do not talk to my wife, my brother, as if you did not speak no my wife, no. What are you talking about? I am married, we are in love, we are a family. "

Watch the videos above to see what West had to say to Cannon, Drake and Beckford!

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