Kanye West wears a MAGA hat, a Kaepernick – Rolling Stone sweatshirt


On Thursday morning, Kanye West made an appearance at fader magazines. For a rapper with an album that will be released in a few days, it's not surprising. Her outfit – matching a Make America Great Again hat with a Colin Kaepernick sweater – is actually not too surprising either, since West released an album in a few days and made incoherent political statements for the past. * check watch * four months (one feels closer to 14).

Interestingly, the hat and sweatshirt seem to be made Yeezy, like everything West wore recently. The hat is definitely more athletic than your standard MAGA cap with this weird braid over the edge. The hand-drawn aesthetic of the "COLIN KAEPERNICK" crew neck is clearly non-Nike.

Kaepernick ended his NFL career with the San Francisco 49ers when he began to kneel during the national anthem to protest police brutality against African Americans. Donald Trump, the president of the United States of America and the inspiration for West's hat, has publicly labeled the football player and activist "son of a bitch".

West, it seems, is trying to see both sides.

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