Kanye West writes a big check for a Democratic candidate


Henry Rodgers | Capitol Hill Reporter

Kanye West wrote a six-figure check for Chicago Democrat Party Mayor Amara Enyia, just less than a week after declaring that he was distancing himself from politics.

The rapper and designer, donated $ 126,460 to the Enyia campaign, which is trying to replace Mayor Rahm Emanuel in the February 2019 elections. Emanuel announced on September 4 that he would not stand again . West had already donated $ 74,000 to the Enyia campaign and had also participated in a campaign event for Enyia on October 23 in Chicago.

Mr West announced on Tuesday that he was coming out of the political world in a tweet, saying that he would focus on his creativity. A few weeks ago, West was in the oval office with President Donald Trump, thanking him for his work while wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat. West has been a staunch supporter of Trump for over a year. (RELATED: Kanye West: "My eyes are now wide open … I stand out from politics")

(Photo by Oliver Contreras – Pool / Getty Images)

"The celebrities are great, but in my opinion, they have to be related to something substantial," Enyia told the Chicago Tribune after the October election campaign. "And the specific conversation was justified with Kanye, to ensure alignment on the political platform and the issues I advocated."

"So we had a conversation, and when we talk about Chicago's needs and what needs to be done to get there, he sees this campaign as an essential part of this campaign. financial barrier we had, "added Enyia.

West has not yet publicly declared why he supported Enyia for the mayor of his hometown.

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