Kanye West's father was diagnosed with cancer


Kanye West's father, Ray West, would fight cancer, forcing the musician to cancel his immediate plans for help.

According to TMZ, Ray was diagnosed and fights prostate cancer, not stomach cancer. reported. He was reportedly treated in Los Angeles, and sources told him that he was responding well to treatment

Kanye reportedly gave up everything to help his father get treatment by hearing the news

. , recently revealing that he was diagnosed with a mental condition and considered to commit suicide. As if that were not enough, the rapper was recently taken to the emergency room by his wife, Kim Kardashian, after the flu started to sweep him away.

West tweeted about sinus problems recently. 19659002] "I had a sinus headache on a flight once and I had a cat scan after because it was so bad," tweeted West on July 14th.

  Ray West in 2014.
Ray West in 2014. AFP / Getty Images

West's mother, Donda, with whom he was very close, died ten or so years ago. ; years.

She and Ray divorced when Kanye was very young. However, Kanye attributed his mental collapse to the death of his mother.

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