Kenan Thompson appeared on “Late Night with Seth Meyers” Monday. (Photo: Lloyd Bishop/NBC)

Kenan Thompson is spilling all the teaPerrier about Kanye West’s divisive rant following last weekend’s “Saturday Night Live” gig.

After the sketch show wrapped, ‘Ye, who served as musical guest for the premiere, sported a “Make America Great Again” hat and once again praised President Donald Trump. The rapper took shots at the media and accused staff at “SNL” of bullying.

“SNL” comedian Thompson addressed West’s remarks Monday on “Late Night with Seth Meyers,” recalling how he got to “watch the circus unfold.”

“He voiced his opinion, very loudly – for a long time,”  the former Nickelodeon star said in summary.

Thompson faulted West for his timing more than his political opinions.

“I don’t know if that’s the moment – necessarily – to hold people hostage like that,” he joked.

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Thompson departed before West made his comments with his colleagues onstage, a move he told Meyers he was happy he made “for sure.”

“As soon as he said, ‘Hey, join me up on stage, everybody,’ I was like, ‘Oh, there goes the little cheese in the mousetrap,’ ” Thompson shared. “I felt so bad for those guys, because it’s hard to stand there and not be able to debate somebody who’s going so far against your personal opinion, as well, and just stand there and take it.”

In conclusion, Thompson cracked: “When musical guests come in, and they’re a little bit crazy, maybe they’re a little bit crazy. We let ’em have that. I mean, but we don’t judge; we’re not there to judge.”

More: Kanye West’s fashion: MAGA hat; Colin Kaepernick sweatshirt

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