Karen Gillan, Guardians of the Galaxy, is "sure" to find a way to continue the series


Actress Karen Gillan

Guardians of the Galaxy Actress Karen Gillan is "sure" that the funky saga of space will continue, despite the postponement of the third film indefinitely.

Gillan describes the murderer of Luphomoid, Nebula, in the Marvel film universe and with the recent shooting of director James Gunn guardians frankly, the future of the third establishment is uncertain.

The star has now offered his thoughts while on the Pull this now Podcast.

Guardians of the Nebula galaxy Vol 2

Marvel Studios

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Asked what's going on with Guardians 3Gillan said, "Actually, I do not know, that's the honest answer. I feel like they are talking about it and trying to figure out what is the next best thing.

"I hope you will tell everything and tell the story, because it would be nice to continue."

But are there any chances that the franchise does not continue? "I'm sure they'll do it, I think they'll do it," she replied. "I do not really think there's a chance they're not doing it."

Karen Gillan as a nebula in The Guardians of the Galaxy


Related: How did everything go wrong for The Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3

In the same interview, Gillan also revealed how much Avengers 4 The team is ready to prevent spoilers from going out of production.

"We did not even have a script," she admitted. "There was no script, just my scenes, sometimes I had them in the morning, I did them, I did them at the end of the day, the directors told us everything we needed. in terms of context but I still do not know what this movie is about. "

Avengers 4 arrives in cinemas in the United Kingdom on April 26, 2019 and in the United States on May 3, 2019.

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