Kate and Meghan join the Queen at Westminster Abbey on the occasion of the Centennial of the Armistice


The royal family reunited at Westminster Abbey for a poignant memorial service commemorating the centenary of the Armistice.

The Queen was joined by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, where they heard prayers for a period of "harmony."

His Majesty and the President of Germany heard prayers for a "harmony" time during the service.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and the Duke and Duchess of Sussex attended a service at Westminster Abbey marking the end of the 200th anniversary of the Armistice (photo: Reuters)
His Majesty and the President of Germany heard prayers for "harmony" during the service (Photo: AFP / Getty)
This event marks the first time that the Duchess of Sussex, currently pregnant with her first child, is a member of the Royal Family on Remembrance Day (photo: AFP / Getty)
Tributes were laid on the tomb of the unknown soldier who is buried in the abbey (photo: PA)

The President of Germany, Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who had laid a wreath at the cenotaph, was also present at the historic event.

This event marks the first time that the Duchess of Sussex, currently pregnant with her first child, is a member of the Royal Family for Remembrance Day.

Dr. John Hall, Dean of Westminster, prayed for a time when the conflict was "transformed into friendship and collaboration."

The queen, dressed in purple, and Mr. Steinmeier watched the flowers drop on the grave of The Unknown Warrior, before shaking hands at the end of the service.

In his speech, the Dean said: "As we celebrate today the centenary of the armistice that ended the First World War, we remember with difficulty the sacrifice of lives of all parties to the conflict and the suffering of those devastated and mourning. .

The queen, dressed in purple, and Mr. Steinmeier saw flowers laying on the grave of The Unknown Warrior, before shaking hands at the end of the service (photo: AP)
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, delivers a speech at a national service held on the occasion of the centenary of the Armistice (photo: PA)
Theresa May also spoke to the emotional service (Photo: Reuters)

"We are thinking about how people were led in the war and the end of the war, as well as the precarious peace that followed, with its enduring suffering and the upheaval of families and lifestyles.

& # 39; In our memory and reflection, we wish above all for a time when the aggression between peoples and nations will turn into friendship and collaboration, where all will live side by side in mutual encouragement and love. Harmony and where the weapons of war will be transformed from peace. & # 39;

In an address, the Archbishop of Canterbury said: "We turn to the ruins and see that they have been rebuilt.

"We look forward, in a very different world and society, to whatever challenges we face, and we see that thanks to God's faithfulness and loving obedience, conflicts have been transformed and enemies reconciled. which is a hope for the world. "

William and Kate both changed after the cenotaph this morning (photo: Rex)
Meghans baby bump was visible under her black outfit (Photo: Ray Tang / REX)
We could see both couples leaving the service together (photo: Ray Tang / REX)
The queen has changed into a beautiful purple outfit (Photo: AFP / Getty)

Actress Sophie Okonedo read in the journal of social reformer Beatrice Webb, dated November 11, 1918.

The diary entry said, "PEACE! London is today a place of noise and rejoicing, with soldiers and fighters being the most obvious.

"Multitudes are competing at full speed and, despite the depressing fog and the persistent rain, discords of sound and fights, beings and rushed vehicles invade the streets.

"I imagine that Paris will be more spontaneous and beautiful in its festivities. Berlin would also be delighted to have eliminated not only the war, but also its oppressors. People rejoice everywhere.

Actress Sophie Okonedo read in the journal of social reformer Beatrice Webb, dated November 11, 1918 (photo: BBC)
Meghan took his new role in his stride and did not go wrong during the day (Photo: PA)

Actor John Simm read a passage from John Jackson, Soldier 12768: Memoir Of A Tommy.

"The news was to be welcome at home and in most countries of the world, but no non-combatant could have a clue what the message meant for men in the trenches.

"I think we have been slow to believe that this could really be true after the long years of fighting.

"It was strange to think and know that once again we could move completely exposed without fear of being shot."

Theresa May arrives at the event with her husband Phillip (photo: Reuters)
The duke and the duchess arrive at the central office in London by holding hands (Photo: AFP / Getty)

The choir of Westminster Abbey sang throughout the service, and readings were given by Theresa May and Prince Charles.

Mr Steinmeier read it in German towards the end of the service.

Among the members of the congregation, Ruth Gayfer, 88, whose parents, Edwin Oliver and Evelyn Boyce, participated in the First World War and wrote a love letter.

Mrs. Gayfer, who lives in Yorkshire but lives in London, stated that her father had enrolled while he was only 16 years old and that it was part of the 4th East Yorkshire Regiment, while his mother was a nurse.

Mr. Oliver died in 1934 when Ruth was only four years old.

(Photo: BBC)
The Duchess of Cornwall was also dressed in purple when she arrived with her husband, Prince Charles, who gave a reading (photo: Reuters)

Reflecting on Sunday's events, she said, "It's wonderful, it really is. My oldest sister is 97 years old and she is absolutely delighted because she remembers him, when he was a teenager, when he took her on a bike vacation, and so on.

Patricia Barber, 73 years old, from Ilford, was part of the congregation. His grandfather, Private John Thomas Blackett, served in the 5th Battalion Dorset Regiment.

She said, "I am very proud to be here to talk about my grandfather. This is a brave man. Although he was not killed during the war, I think it was probably because of his injuries that he died.

"He was electrocuted and released, unfit for active service, in June 1918, and two months later he died tragically in a drowning accident.

Members of the public and veterans join the Royals (photo: BBC)
The service ended a multitude of events marking the centenary (photo: Getty)

"So, whether it was because he was in shock, he fell into the river or jumped, we do not know it was an open verdict.

"But he has no marked burial and his name is not inscribed on any memorial, nor even in the regiment's honor roll."

Ms. Barber stated that her grandfather had a military medal and that she still hoped to see her name on a memorial or gravestone in the future.

"It would be nice if her name was inscribed on a memorial," she said.

(Photo: Reuters)
People gather to pay respects at the grave of the unknown warrior (Photo: Getty)

Edward Finlayson, grand-nephew of Walter Tull, the first black officer to lead white troops in combat, says he is "very proud" to be at the abbey for service.

Walter Tull, the first outstanding black player in the high-end, left Tottenham for Northampton in 1911, before registering with the Football Battalion in 1914.

Promoted to Sergeant in 1915, he served on the Western and Italian fronts during the war, but was killed in action at the Battle of Arras in 1918, his body never found.

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