Kate Middleton has planned something VERY special for Meghan Markle before welcoming her first child


A royal premiere.

Even if it's not common or in fact, hardly heard about royalty, to throw a baby shower, this does not prevent Kate Middleton to organize a party "really unforgettable" before her first arrival.

Yes, according to Life & Style Magazine, Kate has already started planning a day that, in her opinion, will be "special" for her fellow royal.

The pair is closer than ever!

This is great news all the more since many already thought that the king would "break the tradition" by organizing a baby shower. However, Harper's Bazaar thought it would be close friends, Priyanka Chopra or Jessica Mulroney who would arrange the shower and not another royal one.

And although Kate has never showered for any of her three children, she takes care of all the planning and preparation necessary for the day of Meghan to be perfect and we do not doubt that she will do an extraordinary job.

Meghan announced her pregnancy via a statement in mid-October.

According to the Inquistir, the food will be an "American feast" with Meghan's mother, Doria Ragland, who is expected to visit this special occasion.

The publication also notes that Kate has been up to now the "rock" of Meghan. Therefore, it seems appropriate that the Duchess of Cambridge be in charge of planning the secret event.

Harry and Meghan at the Palace of the King of Tonga …

Harry and Meghan are back in the UK after a 16-day tour to Australia, New Zealand, Figi and Tonga.

Then Meghan and Kate team up for a very special event on Saturday.

The duchesses will join their husbands to attend the Festival of Remembrance. This service is run by the British Royal Legion and is seen as an opportunity for them to thank all those who have served, sacrificed and changed the world in which we live.

The event is a black tie and is held at the Royal Albert Hall. With the presence of many famous characters, stars such as Mel B and Birdy have already animated the event.

William and Kate both attended the event regularly. However, it will be a first for Meghan and Harry, despite the fact that Harry served in the army for ten years.

You can read everything about it here.

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