Kathleen Kennedy renews her contract at Lucasfilm


Kathleen Kennedy, President of Lucasfilm

Despite rumors and "very reliable reports" that only exist on Reddit, Kathleen Kennedy is not going anywhere. The Hollywood Reporter announced that she was extending her contract with Lucasfilm for a new period from 2021, until 2021. Kennedy is responsible for bringing the franchise back to public view and producing four new films that catapulted Lucasfilm to mass financial success. Disney bought Lucasfilm for $ 4 billion in 2012; Since then, the movies have brought in $ 4.5 billion worldwide, and since the franchise is just starting, it's just here.

The article mentions the difficulties encountered by the company: Thief ATours, layoffs of Lord and Miller as well as Colin Trevorrow, and the social media division on The last Jedi. It is important to note that despite Solo Underperforming at the box office (according to the standards established by the previous films), the three other films have had a huge box-office return and have received much praise from critics. the force awakens literally gave birth to a new wave of affection for a franchise that most people had moved away in the last ten years The revenge of the Sith. Rey is an icon of pop culture thanks to Kennedy's new movies. This is not a reason for the constant remarks about the sometimes turbid waters that Kennedy has sailed.

As I said before, there are legitimate reasons to criticize Kennedy's mandate to Lucasfilm, particularly because of his commitment to on-screen and off-screen diversity. But with her extended contract, she has time to correct some of these mistakes, including the lack of women behind the camera in her movies and TV shows. However, the tendency to blame it for all of Lucasfilm's faux pas is a bit strong and something we do not see with the male studio heads.

Marvel has seen several high-level managers refuse or give up projects for them, as well as several critical and commercial failures, but Kevin Feige has not yet received a call for retirement. Running a studio is a stressful situation. Thief A It may have been a success and Kennedy's decision to allow the new footage could have saved him from failure. the force awakens rewrote the scripts being produced and sounded in the box office returns. Yes, The last Jedi has big detractors. He also made a lot of money. And turn Colin Treveorrow? It was a clever decision before letting him write a scene in which Rey was fleeing the Knights of Ren in high heels.

The only "failure" is Soloand this may be due in part to Bob Iger's decision to deploy several Star wars movies in a succession as fast as possible, as well as the choice to focus on a story that really does not need to be told. The production of Solo This would have been disastrous for any major studio, and although Kennedy is partly responsible, but that does not mean that she needs to be fired or retired.

Kennedy is a co-founder of Amblin Entertainment with Steven Spielberg. His production credits include AND., Jurassic Park, and Schindler's list, among others. In November, she will receive the Irving G. Thalberg Award from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for her high quality work over the years, alongside her husband and producer Frank Marshall. It's not a person who has no idea what she's doing. Kennedy is one of Hollywood's most respected producers, and the fact that many articles raise turbulence every time she's raised is a little discouraging. She helped bring back one of our most beloved stories. she deserves more than anger for the YouTubers who scream for her head.

And as I said above, there is room for growth. Hire more color actresses (and do not kill their characters later). Hire more writers and directors from different backgrounds. Keep fighting for a performance in front of and behind the camera. As one of Hollywood's most powerful women, she can launch the careers of so many talented artists who might not have that chance. If, in three years, the films are still dominated by white men behind the camera and most of the heroines are still white women, we can talk about finding a replacement. Until then, let's stop using Solo as a means of undermining it whenever we talk about it, agree?

(via the Hollywood Reporter, Image: Flickr / Gage Skidmore)

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