Katie Hnida, former college football player, scares the health


Katie Hnida, a former college footballer and the first woman to play and score in a Division I game, was beaten after an antibiotic reaction that led to a multi-organ failure, according to her family.

Hnida, a former kicker of the University of New Mexico, has recently seen prescribing a current antibiotic, explained her family on a GoFundMe page created to help her cover her medical expenses. Instead of helping this former 37-year-old athlete, Hnida had a rare reaction to medication, which put her life at risk.

The antibiotic forced the kidneys, liver and bone marrow of Hnida to stop working properly and to stop, said his family. They also stated that his blood was not coagulating properly, causing uncontrollable bleeding.

Due to the deterioration of her critical condition, Hnida was admitted to the intensive care unit of the hospital and subjected to emergency dialysis. Doctors have also considered the possibility of a liver transplant.

Katie Hnida

Katie Hnida

JAKE SCHOELLKOPF / AP / REX / Shutterstock

By a miracle, Hnida's condition soon improved and she has since left the hospital. Her family said she "was making slow but steady progress while she was resting and rehabilitating herself".

"She is cared for by an excellent team of specialists, who are satisfied with the progress made so far," wrote her family in a recent update. "They warn, however, that his recovery will be measured in months, not days."

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Her family is now asking for donations to help Hnida – who is currently working as an advocate and educator for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and child abuse – to recover from the health crisis. They say that she is likely to pay more than $ 155,000 in hospital costs and other health care needs, but will not be able to work for the next 4 to 6 months.

To date, the campaign has raised $ 41,127 for the former athlete.

Hnida began her university career at the University of Colorado for a season, before being transferred to the University of New Mexico, where she stayed for her last three seasons.

For both teams, Hnida became the first woman to play in a college football game, the Santa Fe New Mexican reported.

However, in 2003, when the season opened in New Mexico, then head coach Rocky Long put Hnida in the game to attempt a two-point conversion. Not only did she lead the team to victory, but it also earned Hnida the title of the first woman to score in a college football game, according to the publication.

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Before the life-threatening incident, Hnida was on tour in the country and was speaking on behalf of victims of sexual abuse and domestic violence, the point of sale said. She became a lawyer after being sexually assaulted by a former teammate while she was playing in Colorado.

At that time, Hnida did not file a complaint or report her story. It was only in 2004 – the same year that Colorado was publicly caught in a hazing scandal – that she sat down for an interview with Sports Illustrated and shared his allegations, the Santa Fe New Mexican I said.

In response, coach Gary Barnett at the time would have denied these accusations, calling Hnida "distraction for our team", and making sexist comments criticizing his game in the field.

"It was obvious that Katie was not very good. It was awful, "said Barnett, according to Sports Illustrated. "Katie was not just a girl, she was terrible, okay? There is no other way to say it.

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