At the premiere of her new movie "Vox Lux," Natalie Portman talks about California fires and anti-Semitism, saying, "We must come back to love your neighbor." (November 10)

Katy Perry slams President Trump on her tweet about the California wildfires, which have forced tens of thousands of people to quickly evacuate their homes, including several prominent celebrities.

In his Saturday morning tweet, Trump blamed "expensive" fires for "blatant mismanagement of forests," adding "Remedy now, or more Fed payments!"

On the same day, the singer asked Twitter to retweet the president's tweet with her own reaction, calling Trump's reaction "heartless."

"It's an absolutely heartless answer, politics is not even involved, it's only good American families who are losing their homes as you tweet and evacuate to shelters," she tweeted.

Perry was not the only celebrity to have called Trump's reaction to the fire. John Legend also tweeted his own sneaky thoughts.

"Our national embarrassment can not bring itself to show empathy to Californians in the face of a horrible disaster," he wrote.

In a follow-up tweet, Legend thanked the firefighters for their service.

"I'm grateful to our brave firefighters for doing dangerous work to save their neighbors," he wrote.

More: Kim Kardashian and Lady Gaga evacuate their homes amid wildfires in California: "Flames hit our property"

More: The mansion & # 39; The Bachelor & # 39; survives unscathed at a wildfire in California

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