Katy Perry was not thrilled by this group from the last front of Justin Bieber's look-alikes.

Perry commented on several Bieber Instagram photos obscuring him this week, especially for his hair that had previously grown into a shaggy bob before cutting them.

In response to a photo of her hair on Tuesday, Perry posted a picture of her in a posture similar to that of Timothy Chalamet, who also instantiated a snapshot of her new "do," suggesting that "I'm going to be in a hurry. she had a part to play in choosing to cut it.

"I knew it was not the case, the hair was too clean," commented Perry about Bieber 's director' s instagram, Braun Scooter, on Sunday, throwing in a bit of air. shadow on the old long locks of Bieber.

In Braun's post, he congratulated the jokers of Yes Theory, the guys behind this supposed Bieber video with her long hair while eating a burrito from the middle section to the ends.

"Congratulations to @yestheory guys … but you can never make fun of a joker … like for everyone … # itisnotJustin," Braun subtitled the video, and then licked it. has republished.

More: Justin Bieber probably knows how to eat a burrito, after all: this photo was a joke

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