Kavanaugh clash reopens stolen stubbornness allegations against Senator Blumenthal


At the fiery hearing last week, Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal, Democratic Senate Speaker Richard Blumenthal, explained to the Supreme Court candidate the consequences of such a sexual assault on the consequences of telling a single story. lie.

"Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus," said to Kavanaugh Blumenthal, D-Conn., Reciting a Latin phrase. "It means" False in one thing, wrong in everything. "

But the difficult story of Blumenthal with the truth comes back to haunt him in the middle of the Kavanaugh's fight. President Trump and Republican senators criticize him for inflating his military service during the Vietnam War.

In the 2000s, when Blumenthal was attorney general of Connecticut, he began to claim to have served during the Vietnam War. Blumenthal, on several occasions, praised his experience during the war.

"When we came back [from Vietnam]we have not seen anything like it, "Blumenthal reportedly said in 2003.

"We have learned something important since the time I served in Vietnam," Blumenthal told the New York Times in 2008.

"I served during the Vietnamese period," said Blumenthal at a Vietnam war memorial in 2008. "I remember taunts, insults, sometimes even physical abuse."

But Blumenthal did not serve in Vietnam. He reportedly obtained at least five military postponements between 1965 and 1970. He eventually served in the US Marine Corps Reserve, but did not deploy to Vietnam.

As a result of Blumenthal's interrogation on Kavanaugh – who faces multiple charges of sexual assault or misconduct, which he denies -, Trump and his Republican colleagues do not Did not let forget about his own past statements.

"You have the great hero of the Vietnam War – who did not go to Vietnam -[Sen. Richard] Blumenthal, "said Trump at a rally on Monday night." What do you say about Blumenthal? We call it "Da Nang Blumenthal".

Blumenthal, last week, said Trump's initial reluctance to request a further investigation of Kavanaugh by the FBI was "equivalent to a cover-up". Blumenthal hit Kavanaugh at the hearing on issues related to his entries into the high school yearbook, his schedule and his drinking habits.

"For 15 years as the Connecticut Attorney General, he told stories of war," said Trump. "People are dying left and right, but my platoon has advanced!" He has never been to Vietnam. It was a lie. And then, he said, "We want the truth of Judge Kavanaugh." And you get the truth of Judge Kavanaugh. "

At the Kavanaugh hearing, Mr. Blumenthal said, "Credibility is the main reason why we are here today."

Kavanaugh is accused of sexually assaulting Dr. Christine Blasey Ford at a high school party 36 years ago. Ford, who also testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee last week, said Kavanaugh had pinned her to the ground and tried to take her clothes off him. His lawyer says that Ford believes that it is "an attempt to rape".

Kavanaugh also faces allegations from Deborah Ramirez, who claims that while he was a freshman at Yale University, the Supreme Court candidate was exposed to her at the time. from an evening in dormitories in the 1980s; and Julie Swetnick, represented by Stormy Daniels' lawyer, Michael Avenatti, and claims that Kavanaugh was involved or present in "gang" and "trained" rapes in the 1980s.

Kavanaugh vehemently denied these accusations.

During the hearing, however, Senator Tom Cotton, R-Ark., A veteran of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, struck Blumenthal for his credibility.

". @ SenBlumenthal has been lying for years about his service in Vietnam, which is all you need to know about his courage and honesty. Maybe he should reconsider his decision before questioning the credibility of Judge Kavanaugh, "tweeted Cotton.

Blumenthal's office did not immediately respond to Fox News's request for comment.

In 2010, Blumenthal admitted to making misleading statements about its service.

"A few times, I have misrepresented about my service," said Blumenthal, quoted by The New York Times, adding that he had served in the US Marine Corps Reserve. "And I regret it and I take all the responsibility. But I will not allow anyone to take a few misplaced words and challenge my criminal record in the service of our country. "

Fox News' Gregg Re contributed to this report.

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