Kavanaugh is accused by a third woman of sexual misconduct


In a brief interview, Mr. Avenatti stated that he had corroborating witnesses who could support Ms. Swetnick's accounts, but was not prepared to present them until the Senate Judiciary Committee would begin. a full inquiry into his claims. required, with an FBI investigation.

Mr. Avenatti also stated that he was waiting to be heard by the committee before making Ms. Swetnick available for interviews.

In recent days, Judge Kavanaugh and President Trump, who appointed him in July, have rejected Kavanaugh's allegations of treatment of women. Trump called the demands "a game of con" by Democrats who "try to delay and hinder his confirmation."

Ms. Swetnick's allegations come a few days after Deborah Ramirez, a Yale classmate, told the New Yorker that Judge Kavanaugh had exposed herself to her at a party while they were students at the University. from Yale.

Judge Kavanaugh is preparing to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee about an allegation made this month by Christine Blasey Ford, who accused Judge Kavanaugh of having sexually assaulted her in high school . Dr. Blasey, who is sometimes known by his marital name, Ford, should also testify.

Ms. Swetnick's claims included Mark Judge, a classmate of Judge Kavanaugh. Mr. Judge, who wrote about his years at Georgetown Prep, denied Dr. Blasey's assertion that he was in the room during an assault by Judge Kavanaugh as teenagers. . Barbara Van Gelder, a lawyer for Judge, said on Wednesday that he denied the allegations in Ms Swetnick's statement.

Ms. Swetnick grew up in Montgomery County, Maryland, and graduated from Gaithersburg High School in 1980 before continuing her university studies at the University of Maryland. Judge Kavanaugh graduated from Georgetown Prep in 1983.

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