Kavanaugh video, edited by Kamala Harris, and "made-to-measure" questions attract attention


US Senator Kamala Harris faces negative reactions after several auditors interviewed a video from her highly edited office portraying Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh as anti-women.

Harris, a California Democrat and Senate Judiciary Committee member – who will decide whether Kavanaugh will be appointed for life to the country's highest court – tweeted the clip, which shows Kavanaugh mentioning the term "abortion-inducing drugs," a term that Harris slammed as "a dog whistle to go after birth control."

The tweet suggests that Kavanaugh seeks to remove "the right of a constitutionally protected woman to make her own health care decisions."

The now viral post has been retweeted more than 15,000 times and "loved" more than 30,000 times. Former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton made a visit to Harris Wednesday, days after the dismantling of her claims.

Crucial facts

But the fact checkers did not find Harris's commentary or the edited video accurate, even remotely. The Washington Post gave Senator Pinocchios four of his most blatant notes, stating that the post had devoted such crucial facts as Kavanaugh was actually citing the terminology used by the complainant in a 2013 case rather than presenting his actual views.

"Harris' decision to cut these crucial words from his first message on the video is certainly disturbing."

– The Washington Post

"The issue is Kavanaugh's reference to" abortion-causing drugs, "writes the Post. "A simple reading of his sentence, with his reference to" they said, "suggests that it only reflects the argument of the plaintiffs."

"Harris' decision to cut these crucial words from his first post on the video is certainly disturbing," the report adds.

Harris later tweeted Kavanaugh's answer, but did not recognize the falseness of his previous tweets.

"In reality, [Kavanaugh] quoted the definition of the religious group Priests for Life. He did not express his personal opinion. "

– PolitiFact

"But Harris did not recognize that the original tweet was misleading," wrote Post's auditor. "She wins four Pinocchios – and her Democratic compatriots should give up this subject."

Even more partisan auditors, such as PolitiFact, also found that Harris' attack was not based on the truth.

"In Harris' tweet, Kavanaugh seems to define contraception as a source of abortion. But the video did not include a crucial qualifier: "They said." In fact, he quoted the definition of the religious group Priests for Life. He did not express his personal opinion, "said PolitiFact's check.

It is still unclear why PolitiFact ruled that the clip released by Harris was simply "fake", instead giving the famous "pants on fire" verdict.

Moments made for television

Harris, considered a likely presidential candidate for 2020, has been criticized for using Kavanaugh's auditions to create moments for television rather than questioning the candidate about his suitability for the high court.

During the first day of last week's hearings, Harris immediately interrupted committee chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, as he was attempting to make his opening remarks. .

She also pursued a series of mysterious quests, asking the candidate whether he had ever spoken with anyone of the Kasowitz Benson Torres law firm, whose chief of staff was President Trump's personal attorney, regarding the advisor's investigation. special Robert Mueller.

"Be sure of your answer, sir," warned Harris Kavanaugh as he struggled to remember when he had spoken with someone from the law firm, with hundreds of people. lawyers and nine offices in the United States. "Inappropriate" conversations with anyone in the company, a statement that the firm also confirmed.

However, Harris's strange questions seemed to have had an impact. U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H, said Monday that she would vote against Kavanaugh's confirmation. As such, she referred to the questions asked by Harris.

"Judge Kavanaugh's inability to remember whether he has discussed the Special Advisor's investigation with President Trump's defense team is extremely alarming," Shaheen said in a statement, despite Kavanaugh's contrary remarks.

Lukas Mikelionis is a reporter for FoxNews.com. Follow him on Twitter @LukasMikelionis.

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