Kavanaugh will hand over the 1982 Senate calendars to save


WASHINGTON – Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh has calendars dating back to the summer of 1982 that he plans to hand over to the Senate Judiciary Committee that does not show a party consistent with the description of his accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, according to a person working for his confirmation. .

The calendars do not refute Dr. Blasey's allegations, acknowledged Judge Kavanaugh's team. He could have attended a party that he had not listed. But his team will argue to senators that the calendars do not corroborate his story of a small rally in a house where he would have pressed her against a bed and tried to take her clothes off him.

The June, July and August 1982 calendar pages, which were reviewed by the New York Times, show that Judge Kavanaugh was out of town a lot of summer at the beach or with his parents. When he was at home, the calendars listed his basketball games, his movie releases, his football training and his college interviews. Some parties are mentioned but include names of friends other than those identified by Dr. Blasey.

The challenge for Senators trying to confirm or refute the charge against Judge Kavanaugh is that Dr. Blasey said that she did not remember the exact date or location of the house where the 39, alleged incident occurred. She said that she thought it was during the summer of 1982 and she remembers wearing a swimsuit with other clothes, suggesting that the party would have taken place after a swimming outing at a local country club.

Judge Kavanaugh and Dr. Blasey plan to testify before the Judiciary Committee on Thursday as he plans to rule on his appointment to the Supreme Court. Dr. Blasey's allegation of sexual assault as both teenagers upset her likely path to confirmation and paved the way for a public credibility test when both appear separately before Senators.

Dr. Blasey, 51, a university professor in California, also known by his marital name, Ford, told the Washington Post that she and Judge Kavanaugh were in a home in Montgomery County in the suburbs of Maryland with only a handful of other teens at the time. She said that Judge Kavanaugh, who was sad, was pinning her in a room, looking for her on a bed, trying to remove her one-piece swimsuit and the clothes she was wearing over and covering her mouth when she tried to scream. . He categorically denied the allegation.

If the episode took place in the summer of 1982, as Dr. Blasey said, that would mean she would have been 15 years old and Judge Kavanaugh 17 years old. At that time, Judge Kavanaugh was a student at Georgetown Preparatory School. and Dr. Blasey was at Holton-Arms School, two private schools in the suburbs of Maryland, where students were sometimes socialized.

Dr. Blasey said that another boy, Mike Judge, was in the room at that time and jumped on them in bed, sending them all tumbling down. She was able to free herself and escape home, she said. Mr. Judge told the Judicial Committee that he did not remember such an incident and that he had never seen Judge Kavanaugh behave in this way.

The only two other people identified as being at home at that time, but not the bedroom, also said in recent days that they did not remember the incident. Patrick J. Smyth stated that he did not remember such a party or the improper conduct of Judge Kavanaugh. Leland Keyser, a former classmate of Dr. Blasey's in Holton-Arms, said she did not know Justice Kavanugh or remembered a party with him.

Debra Katz, a lawyer for Dr. Blasey, noted that her client had not told anyone about her story for years.

"It's not surprising that Ms. Keyser does not remember the evening because she did not discuss it," Katz said. "It's also not surprising that Ms. Keyser does not remember attending a specific rally 30 years ago when nothing bad happened to her. Dr. Ford will of course never forget this gathering because of what happened to him there.

Judge Kavanaugh will offer the calendars to the Senate committee as part of his defense. Sensitive to possible negative reactions to the credibility of a woman alleging sexual misconduct, Judge Kavanaugh's counsel said that he would not question his account of aggression, but would argue that it was not him .

Calendar pages are pages of one month with each day in a small box. Unusual for a teenager, Judge Kavanaugh seemed to keep track of his days even during the summer holidays. The pages show typical teenage activities, including the "week of the beach" after the end of the school year and the evenings at the theater to see "Grease II", "Rocky III" and " Poltergeist "with friends.

Judge Kavanaugh had been away several weekends with his parents in St. Michaels, Maryland, and a weekend in Connecticut with his grandmother, according to the schedules. He listed an interview for Yale University, where he was eventually going to enroll, and the beginning of the football camp in August, when he stayed in the Georgetown Prep dorms. He also played basketball in the summer league.

His friend, Mr. Judge, is mentioned, but the others of this night are not. "Go to the judge," he wrote on July 28. Some groups are listed and with them the names of several friends with whom he apparently appeared.

Nothing in the calendars indicates he could have met Dr. Blasey. Judge Kavanaugh told his friends and advisers that he did not remember her. But senators are likely to question him about his drinking and party at that time.

His friend, Mr. Judge, wrote a memoir entitled "Wasted: Tale of a Gen-X Drunk", describing a culture of alcohol consumption at that time. He mentions a "Bart O'Kavanaugh" who threw in a car and "fainted when returning from a party".

Dr. Blasey told The Post that she had not told anyone about the incident at that time. She told her husband that she married in 2002 that she had been a victim of sexual assault and that she had discussed it in detail with a therapist in 2012.

Parts of the therapist's notes to The Post say she remembered being attacked by four "elitist boys" students who became "highly respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington." ". Kavanaugh by name. Mentioning four instead of two was a therapist's mistake, she said.

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