Kavanaugh's confirmation: Fox News's Jeanine Pirro talks about Christine Blasey Ford, Democrats


Fox News's Jeanine Pirro described the Democrats as hypocritical demons, Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh as the former altar boy they crucified and Christine Blasey Ford as the "puppet" unconscious in his cruel quest for political power.

In an eight-minute opening speech on his Saturday night show, Pirro said the Democrats – or should I say demonic rats – use Ford to ruin the reputation of an innocent man and derail him? his appointment to the Supreme Court. And the establishment's Republicans, she said, almost all bowed to the Democrats by agreeing to a new investigation into the FBI's Kavanaugh antecedents.

"This week's show was one of the most pathetic, discouraging and sad performances this country has ever witnessed," Pirro said of "Justice with Judge Jeanine". "It was for all practical purposes a crucifixion of a man. who led the exemplary lifestyle that few of us can duplicate.

Kavanaugh faces allegations of sexual assault that disrupted his appointment to the Supreme Court, but the possibility for Republicans to move justice to the right for decades to come. The breathtaking drama that took place last week – whose climax is Ford's heartrending tale about what she said happened to her 36 years ago and Kavanaugh's painful denial – put the hyperpartisan battle of what is supposed to be the least partisan branch of government. All this happens a few weeks before the mid-term elections that could determine the party that controls the Congress.

Ford, a 51-year-old California researcher and psychologist, said Kavanaugh had sponged her onto a bed, covered her and covered her mouth to choke her screams as he tried to undress at a party at home in Maryland in the 1980s, when both were in high school.

Kavanaugh, 53, strongly denied the allegations, as well as those alleged by two other women: Deborah Ramirez, who accused her of being exposed to her while they were first-year students at Yale University and Julie Swetnick, who said he witnessed Kavanaugh and other boys line up to rape drunk girls during high school celebrations .

Without blatantly attacking Ford, even calling him a credible witness and a "charming woman," Pirro cast doubt on his allegations by recounting the missing and fundamental details that Ford acknowledged could not remember. The four people who, according to Ford, were at the party all said that "nothing has happened," Pirro explained, although it is not entirely accurate.

Ford said three other boys, Mark Judge, P.J. Smyth and another whose name she could not remember, and her friend Leland Ingham Keyser were at the party. No one said explicitly that nothing had happened during this summer of 1982. The judge and Smyth, friends of Kavanaugh High School, said they did not remember or did not know the party in question. with Kavanaugh.

Keyser also said that she did not remember the alleged party, but she said that she believed Ford.

Pirro asked why Ford had submitted its claims more than three decades later and why Kavanaugh's name was not mentioned in a session's notes six years ago when Ford had talked about the alleged assault to a therapist . She also hinted that Ford might have been hypnotized by remembering "whatever the traumatic event occurred", although no evidence has proven it.

"I think something has happened to him," Pirro said, reflecting Kavanaugh's claim that Ford could have been sexually assaulted, but not by him. "But she's above her head and she's used."

Pirro, a former Westchester County judge and attorney, N.Y., also discharged Senator Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) During his 11-hour call for an FBI inquiry into allegations against President Trump's candidate. The decision postponed the Senate vote on Kavanaugh's confirmation within a week.

Flake, one of the president's fiercest Republican critics, initially announced his support for the candidacy. Shortly after, two women who described themselves as survivors of sexual assault blocked Flake's elevator and urged him to reconsider his position. The drama scene of an already dramatic week has unfolded live on CNN.

Flake called for a new investigation after a private meeting with Democrats, angry conservatives and a group of Fox News personalities. Pirro accused Flake of having lost heart, of cracking after two women screamed at him, although it is unclear exactly what caused Flake's change of heart at the last minute. She also addressed one of the women who confronted the senator.

"What do your abuses have to do with Brett Kavanaugh?" Pirro says. "Hundreds of thousands of women have been abused in this country. Remove your anger from the person who abused you. Go to court, convict him, send him to jail, spit on him, I mocked. But do not dare to blame Brett Kavanaugh for your victimization.

"Poor Dr. Ford," said Pirro later, after reviewing grievances against some Democrats. "This woman does not know that she was nothing more than a puppet on the democratic political chain."

Pirro is known for his controversial remarks and his fiery personality. In July, she and Whoopi Goldberg, co-host of "The View", mutilated themselves on live television. Pirro is also among Trump's most ardent advocates on cable, which the president regularly monitors. If Sean Hannity of Fox News is the cable information equivalent to a chief of staff, as recently reported by Anne Gearan and Sarah Ellison of the Washington Post, Pirro is the de facto Attorney General who opposes the real Attorney General of the President, Jeff Sessions.

Read more:

Kellyanne Conway: "I am a victim of sexual assault"

The ACLU remains generally neutral in the face of Supreme Court candidates. This is not the case with Kavanaugh.

Christine Blasey Ford's sisters-in-law say that Kavanaugh's testimony was confusing and "belligerent"

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