Kavanaugh's defender Michael Caputo fades after CNN took on Kirsten Powers


Last Wednesday, a name started appearing on Twitter. It was not Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, the Supreme Court candidate with President Trump, whose much anticipated Senate hearing is scheduled to begin Thursday morning. It's not Christine Blasey Ford, Deborah Ramirez or Julie Swetnick, the three women who accused Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct.

It was Michael Caputo, a former Trump campaign assistant turned political strategist and conservative expert.

Caputo was put in the spotlight after having what many call a "collapseDuring heated debate over controversial allegations against Kavanaugh at Anderson's "AC360" on Wednesday night.

This passionate and civil debate quickly deteriorated after Kirsten Powers, a USA Today journalist and columnist, ruled out Caputo, saying men like him and Trump were part of the problem. The alleged offenses involving Kavanaugh occurred "at a time when women simply were not convinced and everyone looked like Donald Trump and Michael Caputo," said Powers. She added, "Just listen to yourself."

That's when Caputo lost it.

The show in the show started after a commercial break. At this point, Caputo challenged the credibility of Kavanaugh's accusers, saying that they did not even remember the details of what had happened to them.

"I understand that something has probably happened to Dr. Ford," he said. "I do not think Brett Kavanaugh was involved."

Caputo then turned to Swetnick, the last woman to come forward, who claimed that Kavanaugh was present at a party in 1982 where she and other people had been gang raped. (She did not accuse Kavanaugh of having raped anyone.) The judge denied all allegations.)

"For some reason, Ms. Swetnick can not really remember if she was raped by a gang on the first [party] or the tenth [party] and my question is: why on earth would you go back to parties where girls were in a bedroom to be raped by teenagers when you were an adult? Asked Caputo incredulously.

CNN chief legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin, the other guest in the series, sarcastically replied, "Yes, and why do these women wear these short skirts? Are not they asking for it? Come on, Michael.

As the men argued, Powers, the only woman on the panel and CNN's political analyst, was silent until Cooper summoned her.

"It's just this tactic of attacking a very young woman," she said, while Caputo could see his head tremble and appear as if the word "no" was placed in front of the screen to show only Powers.

Powers explained that she also went to high school in the 1980s, about the same time as the so-called events.

"It was a time when women were just not convinced and everyone looked like Donald Trump and Michael Caputo," she said, effectively equating a man, the president, with an assault. sexual as if doing that.

"So, if you're wondering why women did not show up, Michael, that's your answer. Just listen to yourself.

Caputo cut Powers and started talking with her.

"Stop interrupting me," said Powers.

"When there are no witnesses," said Caputo, without being disturbed.

"Stop interrupting me," said Powers, his voice calm.

Caputo continued loudly, "As a father of girls," he said, before Powers repeated, "Stop interrupting me."

"Are you going to call me that?" Cried Caputo, his face twitching with visible rage. "Let me tell you this."

Powers: "I listened to you when you stung and raved two segments. Now you can listen to me.

Caputo: "You do not call me like that on national television."

Powers: "I know what it was like to be a woman during this time and you do not do it."

"Would you give me a chance?" Caputo said, obviously exasperated.

The powers did not do it. Instead, she compared the treatment of victims of sexual assault in the 1980s to the way "people like Michael" initially responded when blacks alleged police brutality.

"They said that blacks were contemplating until there were videos," she said, "and then we can no longer deny that she was invented. Unfortunately, there was no mobile phone in the 1980s. "

"Enough," said Caputo, as if it would make a difference. "I'm not invited here to be called by you like that. "

Meanwhile, Cooper's unconvincing attempts to moderate what had become a big TV moment did not seem to be recognized by Powers and Caputo.

"It's inappropriate," cried Caputo.

"Here is the inconvenience," he said. He added, "Henceforth, all the mothers of sons, all grandmothers of grandsons must fear for the future of their boys because of people like you, sitting here, unsubstantiated testimonies, unsubstantiated allegations that you give notes, "he said angrily. "Enough."

After a brief but deafening pause, Powers had only one comment: "It's a bit crazy, as if it were literally crazy," she mocked.

Toobin, who, unusually, had not made any noise during the entire period of exchange between Powers and Caputo, said, "I hope that young men who sexually assault young women lose their lives. I am not worried about it. "

Social media was instantly turned on with reactions. At the beginning of Thursday morning, there were more than 8,700 tweets on Caputo.

"Kirsten Powers has just owned Michael Caputo on CNN, and he's panicking," said Cecilia Kang, a reporter for The New York Times. tweeted.

The other answers were similar.

Many quickly made comparisons between how Powers behaved during the segment and Caputo.

"Michael Caputo has just taken it to CRAZY TOWN on CNN," said Ryan Yousefi, a reporter at the Miami New Times. tweeted.

Others took sides and sympathized with Caputo.

"Good for Caputo", a person tweeted. "But I question WHY he would even consider an interview on @CNN. He should have known that he could not have an intelligent, impartial and civil discussion on this network. "

The debate continued beyond the segment as Powers and Caputo embarked on social media after its release.

"Yes, I called his victim blaming and he lost it" wrote on Twitter.

Caputo replied, tweeting"You had a personal contact with a panelist in your first comment. You have nothing else to offer? Sad."

In addition, he retweeted more than 30 tweets in which people applauded for his appearance in the series, agreed with his opinions and insulted Powers and Toobin.

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