Kavanaugh's point of view on Mueller's question "fundamental question"


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WASHINGTON – Whip of the Senate minority Dick Durbin, D-Ill. Remarks by Brett Kavanaugh, Supreme Court candidate on President Donald Trump's rights during Special Adviser Robert Mueller's inquiry, is a "fundamental problem" for Democrats as the confirmation process advances.

Noting that Democratic Senators of the Judiciary Committee have sought to put pressure on Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearings last week on issues such as abortion and health care, Durbin argued that the current circumstances other issues.

"We have tried to tackle the fundamental question, the one that I think is most important at the moment, what Brett Kavanaugh would do to the Supreme Court when he is confronted with a question about the White House , the Mueller investigation. "Durbin said Sunday at a NBC" Meet the Press "show.

"We can not ignore that, we should not".

Politicians and activists have rallied opponents to Kavanaugh on a number of progressive issues that they fear will be at risk if Kavanaugh is confirmed. The right to abortion is one of those central problems, and many Democrats believe that a majority-conservative court with Kavanaugh on the bench would at least have the rule of restricting access to abortion.

Pressed by NBC's Chuck Todd on the fact that the Mueller Inquiry was a more important issue in the Supreme Court's debate than the abortion debate, Durbin responded "they are all important."

"But the question of timing is clearly this situation with the Mueller investigation, and the important thing we should not overlook is that Kavanaugh has been explicit in saying that the president should not be doing the same thing. subject to investigation or prosecution during his tenure "he added.

Democrats in the panel spent hours questioning Kavanaugh about his views on whether a president should be compelled to testify in an investigation or could be charged. The judge kept most of his personal thoughts close to the vest, arguing that in previous writings he had entertained possible scenarios without making assumptions.

Issues related to abortion were other central issues of Democrats at this week's confirmation hearings.

During this week's hearing, Kavanaugh called the decision Roe Vs. Wade of "settled as a precedent" and "repeatedly reaffirmed". But some Democrats have disputed this formulation, arguing that Kavanaugh was avoiding decided.

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