Kayaker blessed by a seal, slapped in the face with an octopus


A man kayaking off the coast of South Island New Zealand was hit in the face with an octopus clinging to a seal's mouth. Yahoo7 News reports. But here's the best part: all the fight against the inter-species aquatic slaps was taken on camera, so you can watch it as many times as you need to spend the day.

The video shows the seal coming out of the water with the octopus in its mouth and launches it to kayaker Kyle Mulinder. Mulinder's bio bio says he's a GoPro content creator, and he said Yahoo7 News: "My face has come to the wrong place at the wrong time." Kayaker Taiyo Masuda, who describes himself as part of the GoPro family, explains in the description of the video he shot on the new GoPro Hero 7 Black. .

The GoPro Hero 7 line, officially announced last week, includes a new enhanced image stabilization feature called Hypersmooth. "Hypersmooth makes sure that the pocket footage seems to come from a stabilized cardan," says Edge journalist Sean O'Kane. Even, apparently, when you rock a kayak while your friend is hit in the head by a seal waving cephalopods.

The seal in question was probably a fur seal from New Zealand, which lives around New Zealand and parts of Australia. We have asked the Conservation Department of New Zealand for confirmation, and we will update when we know for sure. But the seal of the video seems to fit the Department of Conservation's online description: New Zealand fur seals have ear buds, unlike other seals, and their fur is almost black when they are in the water. water. Researchers also know that New Zealand fur seals have a partial taste for octopus meat.

These seals are not afraid of nibbling on the camera. Last year, another kayaker from the same area spotted a seal vigorously dismembering a gigantic octopus. "The seal was shaking him like an employee with his favorite chew toy," said Connor Staple, local kayak guide. The telegraph. No kayaker or their face was like the seal. This time, the octopus was luckier. You can see the tip of his arm gripping Mulinder's kayak as the annoyed seal swims.

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