Kayla Rahn: A woman from Alabama has a 50-pound ovarian cyst removed surgically


Kayla Rahn before her operation to remove a massive ovarian cyst, and right with her boyfriend, Jonathan Pittman, several weeks after the operation. (Kayla Rahn)

For months, Kayla Rahn suffered from abdominal pain, swelling and shortness of breath.

She had also gained pounds, gaining weight that seemed impossible to lose. People would ask if she was pregnant – maybe even with twins? – And when she was due. They also volunteered to load supplies for her.

"I told them I would call them Taco Bell," the Washington Post told the Washington Post about the jokes she used to make in response to all of them.

It is only recently that Rahn learned what was really happening: a cyst the size of a watermelon grew in her ovary and crushed her other organs – a situation potentially dangerous, according to his doctors

Rahn underwent surgery at the end of May to remove his 50-pound ovary and cyst – the largest surgeon said to have ever been extracted.

Doctors at the Montgomery Jackson Hospital in Alabama and said that Rahn had a mucinous cystadenoma, a benign cystic tumor in the ovary. Since she was kidnapped, Rahn said she lost 75 pounds – and her surgeon said they were "excited that things were going well for her."

"It was not a fun surgery, and there were times when I had pain." Rahn said Friday. "But I had such a great support system, I had no chance to worry about anything."

Kayla Rahn's ovary, which contained a benign cyst of 50 books. (Jackson Hospital)

After months of health problems and no solution, Rahn says her mother took her to the Jackson Hospital emergency department, not far from where she lives

. in his abdomen, later telling him that he was in one of his ovaries – and that they needed to take him out right away.

Rahn said that she was relieved to finally have some answers.

"I remember crying each time When the doctors told him what they had found, Rahn did not look surprised," said Gregory Jones, a gynecologist at the hospital

"She knew something was wrong," said Jones, one of Rahn's surgeons. "What was interesting, it was that she never had shock and fear; she had this relief, like, "Of course, there is a mass. "

Rahn – mostly reassured but still worried – was rushed to an operating room at the hospital the next day, May 26," she said.

She was kept to the intensive care unit for a few days while his organs, crammed into his abdomen, were starting to resituate, said Jones.

The surgeon explained that once the body decompressed, some patients may experience changes in blood pressure or electrolyte or kidney problems.But Rahn, he says, has done "extremely well."

Ovarian cysts are common and usually Many women do not even know that they have it because cysts come and go without causing problems, according to the Mayo Clinic.

However, in cases where cysts do dissolve not of themselves, they can cause pain.According to the Cliniq ue Mayo, bloating and lack of treatment can force the ovary to twist or break, causing internal bleeding.

It is not known how long Rahn had the cyst, but his surgeon estimated that it was over a year old.

Rahn has an incision that extends from her chest to her pelvis, but says that she is otherwise healing – and regains confidence in herself, by wearing clothes in which she does not feel comfortable. had not managed to integrate it for some time.

she said, she has a message for others: Listen to your body and defend yourself. It is important, she says, that people ask for answers to their health problems.

His surgeon agreed.

"She was asking for help from several doctors, and we had missed her – as a medical community we had missed," said Jones, stressing the need for patients to ask for more information. Help and for their doctors to listen to them.

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