Keanu Reeves plays a role in Toy Story 4


Keanu Reeves

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Tim Allen revealed that Keanu Reeves had a role in the movie Toy Story 4.

Speaking with Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show, Allen, who plays Buzz Lightyear in the movie franchise, hinted that Reeves had a party similar to his own.

"Keanu Reeves has a great role to play, and even he said, a wonderful and wonderful guy," it sounds like a lot of Buzz Lightyear "and his character has an edge in that."

Allen said the fourth installment was "deep and moving".

But he did not reveal any more details about the character of Reeves except to say that he is smaller than Buzz Lightyear.

Last week, the first trailer of Toy Story 4 was released, revealing a new character, Forky, a spork that was turned into a toy as a craft project.

Forky is dubbed by comedian Tony Hale, who has appeared in the hit comedies Arrested Development and Veep.

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The trailer reveals that Forky denies being a toy

The film is directed by Josh Cooley and sees the toys meet on a road trip alongside old and new friends.

Allen said the last scene of the movie was very moving.

"Hanks said the best – of course, he always says better – but the last scene of this movie, I could not even get through, and I thought there were pages after that.

"I read it and I had to go back to watch it in the studio, it was so emotional."

He compared it to the classic final scene of Gone With the Wind.

"It's a Scarlett, I'm crazy about it," he says.

Toy Story 4 is expected to be released in the UK on June 21, 2019.

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