Keep fighting for gender equality, even if it makes people uncomfortable


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The #MeToo movement has highlighted what is "dangerous place" the world is for women and girls, and this generation can not give up its fight for gender equality – even if makes some people uncomfortable, Michelle Obama says.

"I'm having a lot of change, but how much has changed," the first lady said in an exclusive interview on the "Today" show Thursday, just over a year after the global reckoning against sexual harassment and assault .

"Enough is enough."

"The world is a sadly dangerous place for women and girls," she added. "They are tired of being diservated."

President's Trump Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh, was confirmed to the high court, despite allegations of sexual assault against him dating back decades of playing captivated divided – the nation.

After a bitter confirmation process, Trump openly mocked Kavanaugh's accusing, Christine Blasey Ford, and apologized to Kavanaugh for the "terrible bread and suffering" that the accusations had caused him. Meanwhile, the president's sound, Donald Trump Jr., said the fallout over the Kavanaugh allegations made him more concerned about his sons than his daughters.

"I've got boys and I've got girls, and when I see what's going on right now, it's scary," Trump Jr. told DailyMail TV.

Obama said the backlash to the #MeToo movement was expected, and said it should not be used as a deterrence.

"That's what happens with change." "There's going to be bumps and resistance." is changing, "she said.

"There's going to be a little upheaval, a little discomfort, but I think it's up to the women out there to say, 'Sorry, you feel uncomfortable, but I'm now paving the way for the next generation.'"

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