Keith Ellison says he plans to resign from his position as vice president of DNC amid an allegation of domestic violence


In an interview with the Minnesota radio station, WCCO, Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN) said that, as a result of allegations of domestic violence against her from an ex-girlfriend, he was planning to step down as co-chair of the Democratic National Committee.

After discussion of the case, the support of the party and the comparisons made for Brett Kavanaughhost Dave Lee Ellison asked if her role at the DNC would "continue".

"You know, I've been thinking about that, I'm starting to wonder if I have …" Ellison said with a pause. "I've evaluated this recently, so we'll see. I have to devote 100% of my time, energy and resources to the race and my office. It is therefore a subject on which I count. "

Before declaring that he was considering retiring, they discussed comparisons between his situation and that of Kavanaugh. Lee asked Ellison, who had just stated that his ex-minister's claims against him were "unfounded" and whether he "cooperated" with an independent investigation to see if he saw any similarities between the situations.

"There are no similarities," Ellison said. "Each case is separate and different. Each case has its own facts. Each case must be evaluated on its own facts. "

He added that anyone who claims that the cases were similar "made a mistake" or "they had political motives to do so". He said that both things should be "examined separately".

Ellison has already indicated that the allegation itself was politically motivated, calling into question the timing, bringing it closer to its main person … essentially suggesting a political conspiracy against it. Ellison willingly says his accuser Karen Monahan when he states that the events that she describes "never happened".

Listen to the full interview above, courtesy of WCCO Radio.

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