Keith Ellison's accuser reiterates his claims against DNC ​​deputy chairman Amid Kavanaugh


The woman who accused Minnesota Democrat Keith Ellison of domestic violence last month reiterated allegations that the congressman physically and emotionally assaulted her during their relationship.

Karen Monahan tweeted Monday that the Democrats had not stayed since she accused Ellison, who runs for the Minnesota Attorney General, of these abuses.

"I've been smeared, threatened, isolated from my own party." I provided medical records of 2017, mentioning two different visits, I told them about the abuse and who l? did my therapist published and cure the abuse "she wrote on social media. "Four people, including my supervisor at the time, said that I had visited them after sharing the exact story that I shared publicly, before I knew I would not be believed."

RTS1K3Z9 Rep. Keith Ellison speaks at a rally against the Republican tax bill on Capitol Hill on November 15, 2017. Karen Monahan, who has accused Keith Ellison of abuse, has reiterated her claims against him. REUTERS / Aaron P. Bernstein

His statement comes as some Democrats, such as Senators Mazie Hirono and Kamala Harris, have strongly supported Christine Blasey Ford, who has accused Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault.

Last month, Monahan's son launched charges against the Democrat in the House of Six, claiming he had seen a video or Ellison dragging his mother's feet while shouting at him.

Monahan then confirmed her son's claims, writing on Twitter that "what my son said is true, every statement he made was true." Realizing her comments to Ellison, she continued, "You know you did that to me, I had every chance to get help and heal. we are ready to say that my son is lying and then others will believe him. "She refused to publish the video.

Ellison, who is also vice-chairman of the Democratic National Committee, denied the allegations. "Karen and I were in a long-term relationship that ended in 2016, and I'm still very committed to her well-being," he said in a statement. The teenage daughter of Ellison, Amirah, who was living with the couple while they were dating, also described the charges as false, The New York Times reported.

Many prominent Democrats have not commented on the charges against the Minnesota representative, HuffPo reported. Democratic leaders in his home country continued to support him, according to NBC News.

Another woman who claims to have had an affair with Ellison in 2006, when he was married, laid a similar charge against the congressman. Amy Alexander accused the representative of pushing her. Ellison, who was convicted by the court against Alexander, said he did not have a romantic relationship with her.

The recent charges against Kavanaugh and Ellison come at a broader national debate on sexual harassment and sexual assault, which has resulted in the destruction of media personalities, Hollywood executives and politicians.

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