Kellyanne Conway's husband tears Trump's lie


The White House advisor Kellyanne Conway's husband jumped on Twitter – again – to slam President Donald Trump, blowing up his "incessant, shameless and witty procrastination on virtually every subject."

George Conway posted the tweet in response to Trump's tweet on Friday complaining that former President Barack Obama had mistakenly said ten years ago that he had visited 57 states for 15 months of campaigning. Obama later told reporters that he was maybe a little tired. The Snopes website, which verifies the facts, has qualified it as

Trump complained about the "very low mention" of Obama's joke in "fake media," adding, "Can you imagine if I said that … the story of the year?

It was then that Conway, a Conservative lawyer, decided to highlight the differences between the credibility of the two presidents:

Conway has released a series of tweets about the president after Trump's inauguration. Recently, he retweeted links to Trump articles low approval ratings and the former campaign manager of the president, Paul Manafort reach a cooperation agreement with special advocate Robert Mueller

Last month, a Washington Post article on the couple quoted Kellyanne Conway as saying her husband's tweets were "disrespectful" and "a violation of basic decency, yes, if not marital vows." the newspaper refused.

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