Kenan Thompson says Pete Davidson, SNL co-star, has missed the mark with a veteran joke


Kenan Thompson has some thoughts on his Saturday Night Live Zinger co-starring Pete Davidson for Dan Crenshaw, a Texan who is running for office. He also happens to be a veteran who has lost an eye in the performance of his duties.

On the most recent episode, Davidson visited "Weekend Update", where he criticized a number of politicians, including Crenshaw. When the image of a Republican congressional candidate wearing his blindfold was shown, Davidson commented, "You may be surprised to hear that he is a candidate for the Texas Congress, not a hitman in a porn movie.

During a visit to Today & # 39; hui On Monday, Thompson was asked how he felt about the joke. He responded by stating that his co-star "had missed the target".

"It's hard to catch jokes, it's like it's like, there's not really any filters in the world trying to make a great joke," Thompson, son of a Vietnam war. veteran, explained. "But at the same time, when you miss the target, you offend people, so you need to be a little more aware."

Thompson also defended Davidson by stating, "Pete is a … very humble man and he has a big heart.I do not think he wants to offend people."

Crenshaw has already responded to the 24 years SNL Ribs of the cast member with a statement.

"I want us to get away from this culture in which we ask for an apology every time someone speaks badly. I think it would be very healthy for our country to go in this direction, "he said in a video response, via Time magazine. "But I would like it and Saturday Night Live recognize something. That is, the country's veterans probably do not feel that their wounds they received in combat should be in the wrong line for a bad joke. And here is the real atrocity in all this: it was not even funny. "

He also appeared on Fox and friends where he rejected any idea of ​​excuses, instead suggesting that NBC should donate to a veterans charity to redress the situation.

"They have certainly crossed the finish line, but their apologies do not mean anything to me."I think they should perhaps collect their money and donate to the charitable work of veterans who might really need help."

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