Kenan Thompson was not happy with Kanye's speech on "SNL"


Kenan Thompson and Seth Meyers.


"He expressed his very strong opinion. For a long time."

The first season of SNL during the weekend was a bit derailed. Music guest Kanye West called the cast members on the stage after his last performance – and after the cameras stopped – where they stood in uncomfortable silence as West proceeded to a long speech describing his support for Donald Trump.

"We are all entitled to our opinion," said Kenan Thompson to Seth Meyers. "I do not know if it's time to hold people hostage like that."

Thompson, fortunately for him, was not on stage at the time. He told Meyers that he preferred to watch the musical acts on a television screen to get a better idea of ​​what he looked like for the viewers, which means that he was at the shelter to be an accessory inadvertently during West's speech. As soon as he said, "Hey, join me on the stage, everyone," I thought, "Oh, here's the little cheese in the mousetrap. He is going down. "

Meyers: When I share my opinion, I try not to do: "Come on, everyone, come, come, join me."

Thompson: Yeah, "Come to the wolf's lair."

Meyers: "You all disagree with me, right? Come here, join me while I do that."

Thompson: "I'll be nice, I promise you."

Meyers: "I promise I'll be nice, I'm lying."

Thompson: And then poop on people.

On top of that, Thompson says that he felt particularly bad for the cast members held hostage on the stage. He compares their work to that of the services, where their job is to put the guests and musical guests at ease, which means that their hands were also tied. It's an unfortunate look for the series, but again, it's maybe a karma to have Trump as SNL host during the Republican primary.

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