Kendall Jenner Lashes Out at TMZ, Paparazzi Over Privacy Concerns


2:26 PM PDT 10/18/2018


Lindsay Weinberg

"You're putting my life in danger," the model tweeted to TMZ.

Two days after Kendall Jenner's alleged stalker is arrested at her house TMZ for enabling the trespasser and revealing her location.

Her backlash brings up the long-standing issue, as Jenner posted Thursday, "I understand what I've signed up for, but when you release the exact location where I live that is when you're putting my life in danger. "

She continued, "Your home is your safe haven, but for me, my home is anything. You should be ashamed of yourself. "

The message came after TMZ on Thursday, John Ford, 37. He was arrested for a restraining order, and he was arrested on Nov. 6, The Hollywood Reporter has confirmed. His lease was set at $ 20,000.

Tea TMZ Jenner's home, which the stalker allegedly climbed to get onto her property. In Jenner's tweet to the media site, she likened the paparazzi behavior to that of a stalker and blamed the outlet for making it easier for trespassers to find her.

"And how do you guys think these terrifying people know where my house is? Cuz you not only release photos but my location. It is so beyond unsafe. Is this not our one ounce of privacy we can get ??? "she wrote.

Other stars from Jennifer Garner to Halle Berry have spoken up about privacy violations for public figures and their children, with Berry advocating for a bill to redefine harassment, which was signed into law by California Gov. Jerry Brown in 2013

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