Members of the Kendall County Sheriff's Office recently exchanged their gold shields for pink badges to raise awareness about breast cancer.
"The public has been very supportive," said Kendall County Sheriff Dwight Baird, about the change of uniformed MP in October. "I wore the pink badge everywhere I went. People thought the badge was really nice.
"From time to time, someone told the story of a family member or friend with cancer." Some people have told their own story as a cancer survivor, "he said.
In October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month was part of a national campaign organized by charities to raise awareness about the disease and raise money for research on its cause, its prevention, its diagnosis, its treatment. and his healing.
"Cancer affects people's lives in one way or another," Baird said of the badge program. "It was something we could do to raise awareness and let people know that we support them."
The sheriff's deputies bought their own pink badges, while the sheriff's office sold pins and t-shirts for breast cancer awareness to raise funds to fight the disease. The office raised $ 1,566, Baird said. Proceeds will go to the Aurora Foundation for Cancer Research, part of the Advocate Medical Group.
The sheriff's office plans to become pink each year in October, Baird said.
"We plan to do it every month in October, as long as we can, to raise funds for the fight against cancer," he said.
Linda Girardi is an independent reporter for The Beacon-News.
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