Kentucky is 4th largest US state, report says


LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WHAS11) – Bad news, Kentucky: we are not losing weight.

According to the CDC, more than 7 in 10 adults over the age of 20 are overweight or obese. Nationally, the United States spends nearly $ 200 billion in health care costs related to obesity, and according to the findings of the Physical Activity Council, 82.4 million Americans were completely inactive in 2017.

However, some states have more weight problems than others – and Kentucky is one of them. In WalletHub's "Fattest States in America" ​​report for 2018, Kentucky placed 4th, moving up in the top 5 after falling to 6th place in 2017.

Source: WalletHub

In the report, WalletHub compared the 50 states and the District of Columbia on 25 key indicators in 3 dimensions: prevalence of obesity and overweight, health consequences, and diet. Overall, only Mississippi, West Virginia and Arkansas ranked better than Kentucky. Colorado had the lowest score in the poll.

Kentucky is in the Top 10 in a series of specific categories:

-5th highest percentage of obese adults

4th highest percentage of obese children

-7th highest percentage of physically inactive adults

4th highest percentage of adults with high cholesterol

-8th highest percentage of adults eating less than 1 serving of fruits / vegetables a day

-7th highest percentage of adults with type 2 diabetes

-6th highest percentage of adults with hypertension

Louisville and Lexington both appeared on WalletHub's "Most Beautiful Cities in America" ​​list for the month of March.

Indiana ranked just in the top 10 in WalletHub's state report – 11th.

To read the full WalletHub report, click here.

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