Kentucky wins the title of the year with one last second to beat Missouri


Kentucky still completely controls his chances of winning the SEC East title – sort of.

The Wildcats won a wild victory in Missouri on Saturday, 15-14, scoring an untimed pass from the two-yard line on a pass from quarterback Terry Wilson to CJ Conrad to get away from an injury. completely disconcerting affair with their share of first place in the intact division. We will arrive at all the craziness later. Let's talk about this crazy SEC East for a second. The Wildcats are now 7-1 and 5-1 in the league and will win the division if they eliminate Georgia (7-1, 5-1) next week in Lexington. Mark Stoops' team has already won a victory over Florida, which lost to Georgia on Saturday afternoon, which puts them behind both teams in the event of a tie to three to two losses.

The day of CBS announces long week next week. Georgia-Kentucky will be the send-off of the afternoon with a dual program that will end with LSU's 4th place hosting the number 1 Alabama.

And now, back to this game in Columbia, Mo., that the Wildcats had no business to win for most of the day. Wilson completed six passes for a 87-yard gain in the 81-yard winning match (he was fired twice), waking up the tough pass for the UK at the right time. The Wildcats scored an offensive touchdown, mixed their saves and led 14-3 before a return punt return of 67 yards for a goal from Lynn Bowden Jr. while he remained 5:18 in the fourth quarter. Before this victorious march, the British rounds in the second half were as follows: punt, punt, punt, punt, turnover of the downs.

Then came this last reader. Missouri broke two secondary covers and organized a two-piece jailbreak blitz – including the winning version of the game – leaving the receivers open.

A serious drama engulfed the last two games of the match. With a chance on the Missouri line, Wilson's pass for Ahmad Wagner fell incomplete in the corner of the end zone at the end of the allotted time, but an interference flag – very questionable – appeared at the corner of the Tigers, Demarkus Acy. The Wildcats got a last goal without a delay from the two yard line and Wilson, against a blitz, hit his tight end of 255 pounds on a single lane to the pylon.

That's what we reserve every weekend at CBS, while the leaders of SEC East and SEC West will be at the rendezvous.

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