Kentucky woman under fire to kill the rare black giraffe


Photos of a Kentucky woman posing with a black giraffe that she killed last year elicited outrage after an African newspaper shared the news. 39; history.

South Africa AfricLand Post shared photos of a woman whom they identified as being Tess Thompson Talley kneeling next to the animal killed with his gun at the hand. In a second image, she smiles and points to the sky.

"A white American savage who is in part a Neanderthal comes to Africa and slays a very rare coutrsey of black giraffes from the stupidity of South Africa.He called Tess Thompson Talley. 39, please, share, "commented the media on June 16 on Twitter

In a follow-up tweet, they added:" If our so-called governments can not take care of our wildlife, then our continent , lands, resources and wildlife …. share share share! "

According to USA Today Talley shared the photos of the June 2017 hunting trip on his Facebook page

. "The prayers for my dream hunt once in a lifetime have come true today!", She writes in the deleted post since. "He spotted this rare black giraffe bull and tracked it down for a certain time. I knew it was the only one. He was over 18 years old, 4,000 pounds and was blessed to get 2,000 pounds of meat from him. "

Talley Defended Murder in a Statement to Today.

" This is The Hunter also claimed that being a woman put her at the end of the reaction.

"For all people who wish to die or even threaten me with death, this is nothing positive for your" movement ", it only shows the world how unbalanced your priorities are," Talley said. image could have been posted, and one posts there every day, men with their trophies and not a word is said. "

She continued:" It is by far the women who catch the most heartbreak. And "all who love" animal rights advocates. It's disgusting to the majority of people how women are treated all over the world, except in the case of women hunters. You say you are compassionate and caring, but some of the vilest things have been directed against me and many other female hunters. "

Debra Messing and Ricky Gervais were among the critics to criticize Talley on social media, with the actress calling the hunter a" disgusting murderer, vile, amoral, heartless, selfish. "

" I'm disgusted by people like you Tess, "Messing said on Instagram." You stink at the privilege and ignorance. Shame on you. And your husband Andrew Claude. Unreasonable. Irreparable damage. Irreplaceable beauty. "

Gervais tweeted ," Giraffes are now on the "red list" of endangerment due to a 40% decline over the past 25 years. They could disappear. Party forever. And again, we allow c- to pay money to shoot them with a bow and arrow for fun.

However, Julian Fennessy, Ph.D., co-founder of the Giraffe Conservation Foundation told Yahoo Lifestyle that the animal is not "rare" or endangered. [19659002] "The giraffe on the photo is of the South African Giraffa giraffe species, which are not uncommon – they are increasing in nature," he said. "The legal hunt for giraffe does not exist. Is not a reason for their decline, despite the moral and ethical side of it, which is a different story. "

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