Kenyan Drake rejoices that his breakaway did not cost Dolphins victory over Bears


The Dolphins nearly made a big mistake in their 31-28 overtime win over the Chicago Bears.

On their first outing, the Dolphins managed to reach the 1 Bears line near Frank Gore's legs. Gore, who is 35, has amassed four races for 49 yards – his last goal ending at the goal line. The Dolphins ran the ball three times in a row once they came to first base, which is an interesting decision considering the fact that the Bears did not give up a touchdown all year round.

In the third report, a disaster occurred.

Miami had to think Gore needed rest because Kenyan Drake was third. Drake groped the ball a few inches from the landing and was looking for a big effort from Gore to put him in that position.

Fortunately for Drake and the Dolphins, the Bears missed a potential goal as a winner in their next training – predicted by Brock Osweiler, who was injured by Ryan Tannehill:

Adam Gase trusted Drake by giving him the ball in their first two games after the failed bond – he had a 15-yard reception and put the Dolphins within reach.

Jason Sanders then scored a 47-yard field goal to win the game for Miami. Drake was overwhelmed by emotions after the match, which is understandable given that he almost ruined everything.

Instead, the dolphins improved to 4-2.

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