Kerala expresses interest in cooperating with IHV Baltimore | Global Edition


Kerala Chief Minister, Pinarayi Vijayan, today expressed his willingness to cooperate with the Baltimore Institute of Human Virology in areas of research of common interest.

Vijayan was speaking at a reception organized by the Institute in Baltimore. The measures taken by the state to prevent the spread of the Nipah virus that claimed 17 lives in the state in May this year, an official statement here said.

The institute could cooperate with the Advanced Advanced Institute of Virology in Thiruvananthapuram, Vijayan said. The honor granted by the institute was a recognition of the state's public health system, Vijayan said, adding that Kerala still accorded much importance to the health sector.

Dr. Robert Gallo, Institute of Human Virology, Baltimore, Founder a souvenir to the Chief Minister. The Minister of Health K Shyalaja State was also present on this occasion

The reception was one of the main duties of the Chief Minister, who is on tour of 13 days in the United States. Vijayan would attend, among other things, a meeting organized in Philadelphia by the Federation of Kerala Associations in North America.

He would return to Kerala on July 18th.

(This story was not edited by Devdiscourse staff and is self-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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