Kevin Durant happy to be "good teammate" in the shadow of Steph Curry's big night


OAKLAND – Even after all these years and all the honors and championships, the flame ignited by the fury of the past is raging at Stephen Curry.

It is not that he clings to anger at the affronts of the past. He just does not want to forget about them.

That's why there were and will continue to be games like Wednesday night, when he offers another skeptical atomic rebuttal in the middle of him when he was that skinny teenager hoping to be noticed by the coaches of the ruling class of the NCAA.

Faced with the challenge of John Wall, the Wizards' guard in Washington who represents this proclaimed readiness status he never had, Curry took over the game, cutting Wall to an invisible footnote except at the end of humiliation.

"It's not frustrating," Wall said. "In basketball, we have seen it for many years. He will make shots. . . you just have to keep playing and move on. "

Wall had no choice but to go from Curry's epic performance, leading the Warriors to a 144-122 victory over the Wizards. Curry had 51 points, including 31 in the first half. Playing 32 minutes, none in the fourth quarter, he was 15 out of 24, including 11 out of 16 in depth and 10 out of 10.

The choice of Wall, a Kentucky product and first overall in 2010 – a year after Curry was seventh overall in the Warriors – played 27 minutes, finishing with 13 points on 5 shots out of 13.

Curry is too polite to say it, but he likes nothing more than to confront and defeat the players who entered college with the national, if not global, eulogy of praise. he has never received. Whether it's Chris Paul or Kyrie Irving or Russell Westbrook or one of the others who entered the NBA aboard a hype ship, Curry dons the tuque of his head and raises the heat.

"All of these guys are extreme talents who deserve to be highlighted for what they do," Curry said. "I'd like to say that we bring out the best of each other when we have this type of battles, even if it's not a face-to-face, back-and-forth situation. , of iso. When it comes to the atmosphere and understanding of your opponent's strength, it keeps you motivated. "

It's in February 2016 that Curry and Wall staged one of the most spectacular duels in the recent history of the NBA. While playing at the Verizon Center in Washington, Curry accumulated 51 points, adding an impromptu shimmy imitated by President Barack Obama, which allowed the Warriors to win a victory at 134-121.

The wall finished with 42. It was not enough.

That night, Wall did not belong to the same building as Curry, let alone the same land. Curry was in his own exclusive space, an area reserved for him alone.

"Some of the shots were staggering," said Warriors coach Steve Kerr. "Nobody has ever done what he does. Arriving from, I do not know, 32 (feet)? Is this number documented? It seemed as though some of those he missed were perhaps a little further away and I was not even sorry he was taking them.

"You have a guy who takes 40 feet and you're on the sidelines" Yeah, that's a good move. Good job & # 39; Explain this. We have never seen this before. "

We have already seen it. Wall has already seen it.

"Some of them early in the race, he just managed some hard shots," he said. "But it was a bit of us not communicating about our switches. But some of them were right. . . when it is hot, it is hot. "

And nothing is better for Stephen Curry than being too hot to be stopped by those who were once considered his superiors, but who now do not seem to be able to follow.

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