Kevin Durant of Golden State Warriors keeps the speech on Draymond Green "in-house"


OAKLAND, Calif. – Kevin Durant said he and Draymond Green had not been able to solve the problems that could subsist after a verbal altercation during and after the loss on the road Monday night against the Los Angeles Clippers.

The Warriors suspended Green without pay for Tuesday's game against the Atlanta Hawks for prejudicial conduct to the team.

After not talking to the media on Monday night, Durant offered short answers while discussing the suspension and his relationship with Green, following the 110-103 win at home against the Hawks. Durant said that he believed that he and Green would be able to discuss what happened at some point. Green was expected for the start of a three-game trip to Texas that will begin Thursday against the Houston Rockets.

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"I'm sure it will happen," Durant said when asked if the situation with Green could be resolved. "We have a long season ahead of us."

When asked when he felt Green was crossing a line Monday night, Durant said he did not want to go into details.

"I will keep that in house," Durant said. "That's what we're doing here – I mean, obviously, I know you have a job to do, but I'm not trying to give anyone the job." What happened, happened. Let's try to move on to playing basketball. "

Was he surprised by Green's suspension?

"I was just focused on the game," Durant said. "I did not care anyway, I was just focused on trying to come here and finish that game without a result."

Durant's tenor followed a strange night in Oracle Arena that began before the game when Warrior General Manager Bob Myers and coach Steve Kerr did their best to minimize the incident.

"Draymond will always be what he is," Kerr said before the game. "Draymond is a powerful force, as you well know, and that's a great reason why we've had so much success here, and Draymond will continue to play as he does, and I do not see him doing anything else. "

As Durant spoke after the match, it was clear that the murderous feelings between the two men had not yet been cured. When asked to describe his friendship with Green, Durant was calm in his tone and his response.

"I do not even think it matters at the moment," Durant said. "We just have a game. Someone wants to talk about the game?"

Durant had 29 points, 6 rebounds and 3 assists in Tuesday's win. It is not clear if the episode will have lingering effects on the upcoming group. Like many in the organization, Durant does not know if this incident will strengthen the group in the long run.

"Who knows?" Durant said. "We will see."

Durant admitted that it was strange to be there without Green next to him on the floor.

"I mean, his presence has been part of this team for a while," Durant said. "Even before I came in. You know, it was a staple in this organization, so obviously it's really weird not to have it around us … and just .. all that has fallen, but that's what's happening S– – is happening in the NBA I'm just trying to do my best to move on and become a basketball player. I have nothing else to do but be the best player I can be every day … I try not to worry about anything else. "

Kerr is pleased with how his team handled the emotions of the day as a result of Green's suspension.

"Proud of them," says Kerr. "It's not an easy match with a back to back." Just getting a little tired, a little emotionally spent and we had to solve it. "" Proud of the guys. "It was not our best game, but it was a good effort and we remained solid. "

The Warriors swingman, Klay Thompson, said he thought winning would solve all the problems facing his group.

"A win on Thursday," said Thompson. "And a win on Saturday and Sunday, once we go on a small set of victories [the Green/Durant situation] will not import. And it will be in the past like a ponytail. "

Thompson said he believed Durant and Green could eventually solve their problems.

"They have grown up, they will be fine," said Thompson. "I love these two guys and, in the end, we are part of the same team, with the same goal, and these are the three tricks." I do not think there's any difference between the two. they do not forget it, be it a personal agenda or anything, I think we will go far, and hopefully we will reach that goal, hopefully. "

Warrior All-Star Guard Stephen Curry missed his third straight game because of an injury to the left groin. The Warriors have announced that they would have an update on its status on Wednesday.

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