Kevin Feige explains the absence of women-led films


Captain Marvel will be a first for the MCU as a women-led superhero movie and Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige explained why it took so long. The MCU is close to a film directed by women during its 10 years of history. Female characters have always been prominent in the distribution of MCU films, especially Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow. Peggy Carter, of Hayley Atwell, even left the Captain America: the first avenger to direct his own television series, Agent Carter.

however, Captain Marvel will be a bold and exciting step for the MCU. It will be the beginning of Brie Larson, the character having never appeared in any other film before. All that Captain Marvel has got is a Avengers: Infinity War. The reason for the long wait for Captain Marvel or any superhero movie directed by a woman in the MCU is simple; all is only a question of money.

Related: Kevin Feige is ready for female superhero movies to be the norm

In an interview with EWKevin Feige was questioned directly about why Marvel's cinematic universe took so long to introduce Captain Marvel. Feige explained that Captain Marvel happens more than 10 years after 2008 Iron Man Because people were afraid that a superhero led by a woman would not succeed. Feige elaborated by saying:

"I think there are a lot of reasons, the least of which was not to fight for years against the mistaken idea that the public did not want to see a woman-led hero. [film] because of a lot of movies 15 years ago that did not work. And I still thought they did not work because they were women's stories – they did not work because they were not very good movies. "

According to Feige, the climate has now changed. The success of 2017 Wonder Woman proved that women-led superhero movies can rack up big box office numbers. The character and the story just have to be good enough. Feige admits that Wonder Womanthe popularity of the studio gave confidence to the studio Captain Marvel. Feige also welcomes Wonder WomanSuccess explaining:

"The success of Wwoman onder That made me very happy because, as I said before in the press, I would rather have the question be, "Oh, what did you think of the success of the female-led hero who is released a few years ago? " the question I asked myself, "Are you afraid that people will not want to see a female hero?"

Most likely, Kevin Feige is telling the truth about the reason behind Captain Marvelthe delay. The construction of Wonder Woman faces many of the same issues and concerns that Feige has described. Many people were openly skeptical that a woman-led superhero movie could work because of disasters like those of 2004. Catwoman. However, Marvel definitely had the clout of pop culture to make a superhero run by women run well before now. The MCU could easily have carried the burden prior to the CUSD and Wonder Woman. The reason for Feige could be accurate, but it's always regrettable.

The superhero movies did not disappear in 2008 when Iron Man the theaters, but they were certainly not as popular as they are now. In addition, Iron Man, Captain America and Thor were not familiar names before their MCU films. The film universe of Marvel helped to create the popularity of these characters and turned their films into guaranteed box office titles. The same power could have been lent to one of the women of Marvel. Instead, the MCU played things safely. It's a good thing that Captain Marvel finally arrives, but she could have broken the glass ceiling of the MCU much sooner.

More: Everything you need to know about Captain Marvel

Source: EW

Key release dates

  • Captain Marvel (2019) release date: March 08, 2019
  • The Avengers 4 / Untitled Avengers Movie (2019) release date: May 03, 2019
  • Spider-Man: far from home (2019) release date: July 05, 2019
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