Kevin Feige explains why Marvel went to three movies a year


Peter Parker, a very good child.
Image: Marvel Studios

The schedule for Marvel Studios' releases is intense. Three Blockbuster movies a year? That's a lot. But there is a reason.

According to Kevin Feige, in an interview with CinemaBlend, this is due to a desire to keep pace with the two big, broad-based movies, with smaller introductions and sequels.

He said:

This is one of the reasons we have expanded to three films a year, so we can do the movie suites that people have responded to – because we like to make continuous stories with characters responded to – but also continue to do things that no one has ever heard of, and people are going to, 'Why do you do that?' It's fun. And that is what Phase 1 was built on, Phase 2 was built, Phase 3 was built, that's it … Whenever we announce next year , two years, three years, five years, whatever we announce, there will be many, maybe the people who know as you will know what they are, but the whole world will go: "What?" is it? Why do they do that? "It's exciting, that's for sure

It makes sense: a larger volume of movies allows Marvel to introduce more variations into its regular releases, by broadcasting movies." as Black Panther and movies as War of Infinity without major break between the two types. It's smart and it's also a frantic pace. We'll see how long Marvel Studios is handling it.

[Cinema Blend]

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