Kevin Feige of Marvel Studios on the Odds of Oscar 'Black Panther'


Marvel Studios president and producer Kevin Feige says it would be "wonderful" to see Black Panther recognized at the Oscars 2019 [19659004] "I think there are a lot of amazing artists who helped make this film, and it would be wonderful if we could recognize them," says Feige to Vox when it is asks if Marvel will pursue an Oscar.

"Almost everyone involved in this film, gathering this film, is awesome, and it would be wonderful to see if they are recognized. We will see. This kind, typically not.

He adds: "And I think it would be a wonderful thing for Panther and for our production designer Hannah [Beachler] and our costume designer Ruth [Carter] and for Ryan [Coogler] who co-wrote the screenplay with Joe Robert Cole, and of course directed the film. And Michael B. Jordan, and Chadwick [Boseman] and Lupita [Nyong’o] and Letitia [Wright]. "

Because of the hard work that went into the craft Black Panther – among more than 700 costumes that fused futurism and the native dress with award-winning production design by Saturn – Feige Believes the Marvel Studios blockbuster deserves major recognition

"There are incredible performances, incredible artistic talent. I'd love to see them recognized, and I'd love to see this genre recognized, "Feige said.

"Yes, there are visual effects, yes, there are fun explosions, yes, there are spaceships. But these are all handmade. Maybe it's in front of a computer; it is often real scenery, real handmade costumes. So much passion, art and talent are found in each of us;

Feige spoke of Marvel's lack of awards at the Produced By conference in June, saying Marvel would win the gold medal, but he is more concerned about fan reaction than recognition of rewards .

"Maybe it's easy to dismiss VFX or flying people or spaceships or billions of dollars." I think it's easy to say that you've already been awarded a D & V. Somehow, "said Feige. "[Alfred] Hitchcock has never been voted Best Director, so it's fine, but that does not mean everything, I much prefer to be in a room full of committed fans."

The representation of super-heroes at the Oscars in the higher categories is rare: Logan was nominated earlier this year for Best Adapted Screenplay, and Marvel's Own Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 was the only nominated superhero movie in the category of best visual effects.

The Disney-owned studio has received several nominations for the best visual effects during its ten years of existence. This category: Iron Man earned both the Best Director Award in Visual Effects and Best Sound Editing nomination in 2009, while The Guardians of the Galaxy Effects and Best Makeup and hairdressing in 2015.

Commentators have opined on the possibility of Black Panther being watched for the Oscars, among them The director Dark Knight Christopher Nolan – who believes the film might receive a nod for the best movie.

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