Kevin Feige recalls his last meeting with Stan Lee in a moving tribute


Kevin Feige's last conversation with Stan Lee was a little different from the previous one. However, the president of Marvel Studios admits that he did not notice the subtle change before Lee's death 11 days ago.

"He was very kind in my interactions with him, including what was ultimately my last conversation with him about two weeks before his death," Feige recalled in a recently released essay for Weekly entertainment. "[…] Did he know his time was running out? I do not know. Looking back, he was slightly more nostalgic than I had seen before. He spoke of the past more than I had ever heard of the past. So maybe at a certain level, he knew. "

So, what did the two men discuss during their last session? Lee and the past and future MCU cameos.

Whenever Marvel releases a film, fans will be able to count on a brief special appearance of the cartoon legend. Feige said that Lee always had a good attitude towards cameos, and often asked for bigger roles; However, Feige noted that these requests were made as a joke – somehow.

"When I sat at his seat at our last meeting, the first thing he said was," I know you want me to play in the next movie, but I have to keep it up. " cameos. the main roles to other actors. I'm sorry, "wrote the studio director." He would show up at the movie board game for anything. But one thing that he would always do would be to try adding more lines. He was still joking – but not really joking: wanting more lines, even if he understood why we could not. "

You can read the full test of Feige on Weekly entertainmentsite of.

Lee, who died on November 12 at the age of 95, is expected to be part of a number of upcoming MCU projects that were shot down before his death.

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