Kevin Landrigan's Granite Status: Will the two NH US representatives finish with Pelosi? | Granite status


The two elected members of NEW HAMPSHIRE's House of the United States could be decisive votes if they find themselves with difficulties Nancy Pelosi, who had a good week as she struggled to find the position of Speaker of the House.

She has one and the other was very much at stake.

US Rep. Annie Kuster, D-NH, has pledged to support Pelosi, while the elected representative Chris Pappas have not yet done it.

But it is important to note that, unlike others, Pappas never pledged to oppose Pelosi as a new leader.

Maura Sullivan finished second in the Democratic primary for the first congressional seat in Pappas. Sullivan said that it was time to change and that she preferred someone other than Pelosi.

Pappas said through a spokesman that he was no closer to deciding than he was at the time.

"The elected Congressman, Pappas, is assessing the evolution of the race and has not decided how he will vote in next week's caucus. He said from the beginning that he was eager to see who would advance to seek positions in the leadership, "said his spokesman.

"He met his new colleagues and spoke with them in the two weeks following November 6th and during the orientation of the new members. He is delighted to be part of a freshman class determined to change the way Washington works and to focus on getting results. He believes that the next management team should reflect the diversity and common sense embodied by new members. "

As we have already written, Kuster became the first Democrat to win the second seat of the district 4 times in a row and was perfectly entitled to try to reach the best possible deal with Pelosi.

By seniority, Kuster already had the right to chair a subcommittee of the Veterans Chamber charged with overseeing the agency.

But Kuster had investigated other possibilities in key committees and perhaps presidencies of similar working subcommittees on environmental, energy and health care issues. health, among others.

We will see if these discussions have led to new tasks, but his eulogistic statement about Pelosi leaves no doubt about his current situation.

"Nancy Pelosi has proven its effectiveness as a leader in protecting and strengthening access to healthcare for millions of Americans and I think this experience is critical to reducing costs and improving the quality of healthcare. care. We must continue to strongly oppose the efforts of this administration and congressional Republicans to undermine access to health care and to focus on improving the ACA for all families in the world. the State of Granite, "said Kuster.

"Our caucus has a wide range of experiences and perspectives, and new voices will be an important part of our leadership. I will carefully examine the candidates for all management positions. I am confident that Pelosi leader's knowledge and institutional experience will be invaluable in the transition to the majority and will pave the way for the success of our party's future leaders. "

One by one, Pelosi turned his detractors into allies.

At the beginning of this week, there was the representative. Marcia Fudge, D-Ohio, and the only Democrat in the House to have publicly explored a race for the speaker.

On Tuesday, Fudge said she supported Pelosi, who agreed to appoint her as chair of a re-created election subcommittee.

Fudge's change of heart also comes a few hours after reports of Fudge's leniency claim in 2015 for a former judge who was found guilty of brutally beating his wife's wife. time.

Last week, the same ex-judge was arrested in connection with the murder of this woman.

Then there was Rep. Brian Higgins, D-NY, who was one of 16 signatories to say they would not vote for Pelosi in the House.

Higgins was Wednesday with his own turnaround, saying that he subscribed to Pelosi because she had promised to follow through on two of his priorities.

Higgins said Pelosi had agreed that he could play a major role in setting up legislation that would allow anyone over the age of 50 to subscribe to Medicare.

If Pappas is looking for something to get from Pelosi, he can act fast enough or soon, he may miss gifts to offer.

To the debate

As Secretary of State Bill Gardner races to try to save his job, his main challenger, Colin Van Ostern from Concord, is trying to block this campaign.

After Van Ostern got the overwhelming recommendation of House Democrats in an in camera caucus two weeks ago, Gardner said he hoped to hold a "forum" with reporters so he could respond to all Van Ostern's allegations about the office.

In response, Van Ostern considered the debate difficult and wrote to Gardner, suggesting dates when the two could appear together and answer questions from all new lawmakers.

Van Ostern has suggested possible dates from Monday to Wednesday because there will be legislative orientation sessions every three days.

"If none of these hours are available, please suggest another time and date that could work for you between November 26 and December 4," wrote Van Ostern to Gardner.

"I'm happy to consider the format you suggest, provided that new legislators have the opportunity to hear from us directly and ask questions. I'm waiting for your answer. "

Gardner said his remarks should not lead to anything like that.

"He had eight months to launch all these allegations. This is not a debate. It's an opportunity for me to finally answer, "said Gardner.

The ultimate confrontation before the entire legislature to decide the winner will take place on December 5th.

The ballots "found" after a judicial recount in the state Senate last week recalled memories.

In the latter case, a missing box of 300 ballots was found at Exeter City Hall and brought to Concord last Tuesday, confirming the recount victory for Democrats. Jon Morgan on the republican senator Bill Gannon.

No, it is not common for recounts to take place in the State Archives building, but Secretary of State Bill Gardner realizes that not all ballots are there.

But it has already happened.

Gardner recalled that in 2000, his office recounted the vote of a representative of the northern state of the country and found that the vote totals were not equal at the end.

"It seemed to me that we were missing Northumberland ballots, so I called and, of course, they found a box under a table at the Town Hall," he said. Gardner.

Former majority leader in the Senate Bob Clegg Hudson had volunteered to do many recounts and he had his own memories.

"I did a recount where three boxes were found. Someone had brought them home because they were too tired to take them to their warehouses, "Clegg said. "Yes, the votes made a difference."

Long-time Attorney General and former Attorney General Tom Rath said that it was a political symmetry that Exeter was in the loop since this city in 1974 was involved in what was the nearest US Senate race in the country between the United States today. representative Louis Wyman and Manchester Democrat John Durkin.

"I will always remember having opened the Exeter voting machines in the Wyman / Durkin recount. They were stored deep in the basement of City Hall, "Rath remembered. "Now, people, it was a real recount."

There were two recounts, a decision of the Voting Rights Commission, and a special Senate committee that failed to resolve this result.

Durkin accepted Wyman's proposal for a second round, won by Durkin by 27,000 votes in September 1975.

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American Senator Maggie Hassan, D-NH, will attend a public hearing on Monday on explosions and pipeline fires in the Merrimack Valley, which killed one, injured more than two dozen and damaged more than 100 buildings.

Hassan is a member of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, which will showcase efforts to learn from the disaster when they hear from federal, state and local officials.

The event will take place at the South Lawrence East Middle School gymnasium in Lawrence, Mass. From 9:00 am

The other participants in the audience will be the Senses. Ed Markey and Elizabeth Warren, both D-Mass., U.S. Reps. Nikki Tsongas and Seth Moulton, both D-Mass., and Rep.-elected Lori Trahan, that voters elected earlier this month to replace the Tsongas who are retiring.

Sen. Jeanne ShaheenD-NH has just returned from the 10th Annual International Security Forum in Halifax, Nova Scotia, where it received the prestigious Builder Award.

This honor has been awarded annually since 2012 to individuals or groups who "work to ensure that the Halifax International Security Forum continues its mission of advancing strategic cooperation among democracies."

"This year's conference was a great success and with the participation of so many American lawmakers, reaffirms the strong commitment of the United States to our transatlantic alliance and its commitment to maintain US leadership on the maintenance of the United States. 'world order,' said Shaheen in a statement.

"I am honored to have received the builder's annual award and I deeply appreciate the recognition of the forum."

The Builder Award had already been awarded to the Senators. John McCain, R-Ariz., And Tim Kaine, D-Va., And last year went to Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, who accepted on behalf of NATO.

The Republican State Committee of New Hampshire needs some work after mid-term.

But there are certainly a lot of people who want to be the next president.

Former state representative and co-chairman of Trump Steve Stepanek Amherst became the first official to jump with a major event last Monday at Concord.

Stepanek is one of the pioneers because of his friendship with the president, but also because he is appreciated by the former head of the Trump campaign. Corey Lewandowski from Windham.

Since November 6, the results have arrived and Gov. Chris Sununu was the last man standing, Lewandowski told associates that Trump will not allow 2020 to be a repeat.

For example, Lewandowski assured that, unlike 2018, the state's GOP will not be underutilized financially as it was by the Democrats who voted from top to bottom.

Current president Wayne MacDonald Derry said he had been encouraged to consider serving a full term and that he should make his decision soon.

Former Vice President Matt Mayberry stated that he wanted to meet Sununu about this, but he was not excluded either.

Then there is the veteran consultant GOP Mike Biundo of Manchester, fresh out of his first job for the candidate of the 1st GOP Congress District Convention Eddie Edwards, who defeated Pappas in the general election and who defeated in a respectful manner.

Biundo said he would have to wind up or give up a lot of business to become a partner Derek Dufresne and associates, but he glances at it.

And that's not all.

Among other things, at least by taking a look at this race, are beaten the Deputy Majority Leader of the House. Victoria Sullivan of Manchester, GOP candidate in the State Senate Dan Hynes of Bedford and Cheshire County GOP Activist Kate Day.

Initially, it was reported that Sununu might not play as active a role in this choice as in the selection of the last president, Jeanie Forrester Meredith, only to have her leave 15 months later for a municipal position.

But lately, Sununu has informed everyone that he wants to sit down individually with each one of them.

This is not the case and it will not be the case.

Commissioner of Education Frank Edleblut will be the keynote speaker at the Granite State Taxpayers Biennial Meeting.

The event will take place next Thursday at the Murphy's Tap Room and Carriage House in Bedford starting at 5:30 pm.

Now, this billionaire former hedge fund manager Tom Steyer used its NextGen America organization to attract a significant number of young voters in mid-term, what should it do for a recall?

How about running for president in 2020?

This is what several media have concluded from Steyer's latest venture, his visit to City Hall to promote his "5 Rights", which he believes should be of interest to all Americans.

"These five rights should be at the heart of the Democratic Party's platform for 2020 – but it's more important than any political party," Steyer said.

"These rights are fundamental to our common belief in the promise of America, a promise of freedom and power to pursue our dreams and to gain a fair share of the vast wealth of this country."

Steyer's tour begins Dec. 4 in Charlestown, South Carolina, one of the top four presidential and presidential caucus events.

Sources close to Steyer confirm that public follow-up meetings will likely follow in the first states of New Hampshire, Iowa and Nevada.

You get the picture.

Member of Senate Committees on External Relations and Armed Forces, Shaheen did not mince words to attack President Trump for announcing that his government would continue to stand with Saudi Arabia following the brutal murder of the Washington Post reporter and his permanent resident in the United States Jamal Khashoggi.

"President Trump's habit of standing on the side of deadly foreign dictators at the expense of US intelligence professionals is a blot on our democracy that undermines the American ideal," Shaheen said in a statement.

"Fortunately, the president is not the only protector of this ideal. Congress must now stand up with a bipartisan resolution to condemn the brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi and pass legislation to respond to this crime and other Saudi crimes. "

Shaheen worked with a group of bipartisan senators on the 2018 accountability law and Yemen in Saudi Arabia.

This legislation aims to ensure effective control of US policy on Yemen by the Congress, to provide a lever to push Yemen's civil war stakeholders to a political process, to resolve the worst humanitarian crisis in the world and to to demand real responsibility for the killing of Khashoggi, Shaheen said.

Your TV guide was not wrong.

Last Sunday, Shaheen was scheduled to appear with his countryman Sen on "Meet The Press" on NBC-TV. Thom Tillis, R-NC.

Both are co-chairs of the recently re-established NATO Observer Group.

A conflict preventing them from being both present during the recording, the film was therefore postponed, which happened after the deadline for printing the TV guide, officials said. .


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