Kevin Smith reacts to Bill Maher taking a shot at Stan Lee


While virtually everyone on the planet mourned the death of Stan Lee not only for the creation of characters inspiring heroism, but also for the desire to always arouse the reader's obsession, the animator Bill Maher preferred to make himself tragedy. by writing an essay on the link between Lee and the fall of society. Kevin Smith, a friend of Lee, avoided insulting Maher by reminding fans of all the good that the creator had brought to the world.

"I'm just taking a shot when no shot is f-ckin"Necessary," shared Smith on his Hollywood babble-on podcast in response to Maher's dismissive comments. "And like, this guy, he did it nckin& # 39; a lot for this world. He put so many smiles on people's faces. He launched the imagination. It has made children feel that they are part of something. It has made adults feel that they are part of something. He was quite good. Everything at home was nckin& # 39; well. He was nice, he was nice, everything you heard was negative, honestly, it was nckin& # 39; Horseshit, makeup. He was a great man, I will miss him every day. "

Maher is no stranger to being at the center of a controversy. One of the first, he had to face violent reactions following comments on the September 11 terrorist attacks.

Less than a week after the attacks, on its show Politically incorrectMaher described the American response: "We've been cowards, cruise missiles launched 3,000 kilometers away, loose, stay in the plane when it hits the building, say what you want to do. this subject, not cowardly. " These comments led ABC not to review his show for new seasons.

Last summer, Maher's "joke" attempt put him in warmer water as he considered himself a "house" n-ron his HBO program.

"The guy who created Spider-Man and Hulk is dead and America is in mourning." Deep and deep mourning for a man who has inspired millions of people, I do not know, watching a movie, I guess ", wrote Maher in a blog post on the website for his show, Real time, who started the tumult. "Now, I have nothing against comic books – I read them from time to time when I was a kid and I was no longer a Hardy Boys." But the assumption that everything the world had at the time, both adults and children, was that comics kids, and when you grew up, you went to the big boys' books without the pictures. "

A subsequent appearance on Larry King now tried to not only serve to limit the damage, but also reiterated his initial remarks.

"But talk about making me understand: yes, I do not know much about Stan Lee and it's definitely not a hit for Stan Lee Yeah, okay I'm agnostic to Stan Lee , "says Maher. "I do not read comics, I did not even read them when I was a kid.What I said, it's a culture that thinks that comics and their movies are deep meditations on the human condition is an idiotcking Culture. And that people get angry about it just proves my point. "

What do you think of Smith's remarks about Lee and Maher? Let us know in the comments below!

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