Kevin Spacey: Met Police Investigates Three New Allegations


  Kevin Spacey

Met police investigate three other allegations of sexual assault against Kevin Spacey, the BBC understands.

Between February and April of this year, the police received allegations that the American actor sexually assaulted men in London and Gloucester

This brings to six the number of complaints against Spacey making a claim. investigated by London police over six complaints of sexual assault and assault

The police did not confirm the name of the person being investigated. ] Two of the latest allegations were reported in London – Westminster (1996) and Lambeth (2008) – and the third in Gloucester (2013).

In 2017, the police received an allegation of assault that allegedly took place in Lambeth (2008) and two claims of sexual assault – one in Lambeth and the other in Westminster, both in 2005.

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Actor Anthony Rapp accused Kevin Spac ey of making sexual advances to him in 1986

Overall, the Oscar-winning actor, 58, was accused by more than 30 men of sexual assault

The first allegation came from actor Anthony Rapp in November 2017 who told him that sexual advances had been made in 1986 when he was 14 years old and Spacey was 26 years old.

million. Spacey claimed to have no memory of events, but publicly apologize. He later published an "absolute" denial of the other allegations that emerged later.

Spacey won two Oscars for performances in American Beauty (2000) and Usual Suspects (1996) and between 2004 and 2015 he was artistic director at The Old Vic Theater in London

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