Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson engaged? The new mom was spotted with a huge ring on that finger


Whoa. It's a huge diamond and it can not be ignored. Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson engaged? This is a question that many people ask after seeing a huge boulder on Kardashian's left ring finger. Based on a photo published on Monday by TMZ, the The amazing Kardashian family The star was spotted wearing a catchy ring during a West Hollywood outing on June 24 with Thompson and now some can not help but wonder if it's an engagement ring. Bustle reached out to the representatives of Kardashian and Thompson, but did not receive a response at the time of publication.

According to a source who spoke with People"Khloe looked awesome, she was wearing a huge new ring." As TMZ pointed out, this is not the first time that Kardashian this finger, so fans probably should not jump to conclusions yet. When the reality star and the NBA player announced in December 2017 that they were expecting their first child together, Kardashian was also wearing a jewel on his left ring finger.

It's been just three months since the rumors about Thompson made the headlines, so it would be really surprising if both were engaged. However, this kind of decision certainly belongs to them and they know what is best when it comes to their relationship. If they are engaged, no one should send judgment to Kardashian. In the end, it's her life and she can do what she wants. (Bustle has already contacted representatives of Kardashian and Thompson about cheating rumors, but has not received a response.)

It seems unlikely that they have taken the plunge of commitment, especially on the basis of a recent tweet shared by the Corps of revenge Monday star. After a Twitter user called Kardashian a "hypocrite" and expressed his disappointment about Kardashian trying to fix things with Thompson, said the 33-year-old man,

Not exactly the Persian Queen, you have no knowledge of what is happening in our home or the huge reconstruction that it takes to coexist even. I am proud of my strength. I appreciate your opinion and hope you keep the same opinion for all who stayed in situations.

Based on this particular tweet, it seems that Kardashian and Thompson are working hard to improve their relationship and probably not engaged. As she shared, it takes "a huge reconstruction" to "coexist even". It seems that she is using a lot of her strengths now to see if she has a future with the professional basketball player.

As Kim Kardashian told Ellen DeGeneres in April, Kardashian focused on True Thompson. "You know, I think she's thinking of nothing," she said. "I think she just wants a clear head and just wants to be alone with her baby and understand that." It seems that the Strong looks better naked the author has a clearer head now. She's even back in Los Angeles after living in Cleveland for a few months. "She wanted to have time with the baby and, you know, understand what her next steps are," Kim told DeGeneres about her sister's decision to stay in Ohio.

After being kept away from the spotlight for a while, Kardashian was seen in public – and with Thompson. They were even photographed holding hands, so it looks like they're going in a positive direction and trying to work on their relationship.

Whether you agree or disagree with Kardashian's decision, well, it does not really matter. It's her choice and she definitely has a good head on her shoulders. She would do nothing to compromise her happiness or put her daughter in a bad situation.

Kris Jenner talked about Kardashian and Thompson with Weekly Us in early June, where she showed her support for her daughter's actions. "Tristan, yeah, he's great Yeah, he's good," she says. "I think you just have to be there for your kid and follow their example, I'm not in this relationship or in this situation, so I really trust Khloe, she's so smart and she's so great IT out. "

Who knows if they are really committed, but all that matters is that Kardashian finds herself as a mother and tries to live her best life possible.

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