Khloe Kardashian closes rumors about her relationship and gets real to be a new mom


Kardashians are not afraid to call fake news, like when Khloé Kardashian has closed rumors about Tristan Thompson and their relationship Monday on Twitter. On June 25, the Daily Mail tweeted "Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson VERY tenseThe story and the tweet caught the attention of Kardashian, so she of course responded by writing:

You do anything !! I had a great evening. It was a great birthday dinner for friends and as a new mom IM AF WEAKENED !! Being beyond 22 hours is not the place where I am going to have the most energy these days.

Preach, Kardashian. Just because she does not smile does not mean that she has relationship problems. A fan, clearly in favor of Kardashian and understand what it's like to be a new mom, tweeted the star of reality, "I'm lucky if I went well 20:00 a few days!" the Corps of revenge host totally agree and replied, "My little mom [referring to her daughter, True Thompson] I go to bed at 8 o'clock. I therefore have a few hours to enjoy "being an adult" but honestly, I prefer to stay at home with her. But I tried last night lol ".

According to the Daily Mail, the The amazing Kardashian family Star looked like he did not have fun while out with Thompson. "But as she botched an appointment with Tristan Thompson (and her friends) this weekend, there was no evidence of the brilliant and bubbly personality of the reality star," reads in l & # 39; section. "Instead, the 33-year-old woman looked tired and distracted throughout the meal, which she apparently was passing off by her handsome deceiver and his meal mates. A huge new diamond, sparkling on his ring finger, did nothing to improve his mood.

In the photos obtained by the publication, the Daily Mail also described Kardashian as "miserable" and even wrote, "But after making the effort to go out, look at her best with a complete makeup, mother- of-one definitely looks like she's having fun. "

Well, according to Kardashian, she was just exhausted and wanted to go home to her little girl. Being a mother is hard work and tiring, so it's quite understandable why the reality star was not sitting at the table with a huge smile on her face. Remember, women do not always need to smile or look happy. In addition, the fact that a woman is wearing a "full makeup" does not mean that she is not tired or that she has to act as if she is spending most of her time .

Speaking of smiling, Kardashian replied to a fan who said that she looked "staggering" by writing, "Thank you, I was just tired, lol, I need to work on my smiling and tired face." Kardashian, you do what is best for you and if you are too tired to smile or simply do not want to smile, then you certainly do not have to do it. She tweeted another user "Lol I thought of my face at rest I still think it's good lol. "It's quite, Kardashian.

the Strong looks better naked The author told a Twitter user that she was trying to push herself to do more and to have more time for herself, but, as any new mom can probably say, " … Honeyyyyy the bed is so attractive lol"She also told another fan,"It's really exhausting but i'm trying to have a good balance. "

Kardashian has certainly not had an easy time in recent months. Between dealing with cheat rumors involving Thompson and becoming a new mom to her daughter, True, she had a lot on her plate. (Bustle has already contacted representatives of Kardashian and Thompson about cheating rumors, but has not received a response.)

She's still running review of Thompson. In response to a tweet from a fan Monday calling him a "hypocrite" and expressing his disappointment Kardashian tries to get out with Thompson, she wrote,

Not exactly the Persian Queen, you have no knowledge of what is happening in our home or the huge reconstruction that it takes to coexist even. I am proud of my strength. I appreciate your opinion and hope you keep the same opinion for all who stayed in situations.

So, if Kardashian seems tired or unhappy, do not jump to conclusions. She has already gone through so much. Her main priority now is to be the best mother possible for True and the last thing Kardashian needs is to fight against other rumors.

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