Khloé Kardashian hits people who criticize his daughter's skin color


For an unfathomable reason, people have nothing better to do with their time than to criticize a literal baby. Khloé Kardashian once again defends his daughter True against the comments of the colorists on the complexion of her young daughter.

True's negative comments appeared very early, but reached a disgusting level when Kim decided to post pictures of the three new babies Kardashian, True, Chicago and Stormi, sleeping. People have commented on the little girl being "too dark" or not as pretty as her cousins.

What annoys Khloe most, as she explained in a tweet late Thursday night, is that when she tries to defend True against enemies, critics are scared and suppress their original comments. "I do not like the fact that people are allowed to comment on the skin color of my girls, but as soon as I comment nicely and congratulate her for everything she is, the comment is erased", she tweeted.

Unfortunately, while making a point to defend her baby, she decided to end the race. "So, instead of shame, I try to educate," she tweeted. "In our home, we do not see the color."

Claiming to be "colorblind", while it may come from a good place, is extremely naive. The systems that dictate our society are actively trying to deprive people of their color, so pretending not to "see color" ignores problems by choosing to look at the world through pink glasses.

Regardless of Khloe's personal policy, you should not be content to insult a person. baby. Period.

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