Khloe Kardashian video of Tristan Thompson dancing with real might be good news


It's an old news now that Khloé Kardashian and Tristan Thompson are trying to cheat with rumors that exploded in April 2018. While the couple is working diligently to overtake them, not everyone believes that # They are beyond drama just yet. But if Kardashian's Snapchat videos have something to do, the new parents (who also welcomed his True daughter in April 2018) are on track for a complete reconciliation. In Tristan Thompson's video of Khloé Kardashian, we can see the proud father dancing with his daughter and having fun with his little family. So clearly, Kardashian and Thompson are doing very well.

Kardashian posted the video on his Snapchat on Wednesday, July 11, and we can see Thompson – completely dressed in Cleveland Cavaliers clothing – holding the baby True and dancing around. Kardashian records the video and chuckles in the background.

From appearances, Thompson, Kardashian and True are in the baby's nursery. You can see stuffed animals scattered around and there seems to be a baby gym right in the foreground of the video. So, they just spend a good time with each other in the nursery, which is so sweet.

Looks True Baby and his Father:

Thompson hums even to his little girl while he dances with her. And he is so involved in all of this. He is totally dancing with his daughter and seems to be a good loving dad.

Kardashian's latest Snapchat video arrives a few days after Thompson himself posted a video of Snapchat in which both can be viewed and shared PDAs.

In the video, Kardashian takes a moment to rest his head on Thompson's chest and gently kisses the top of his head.

Here's a preview of the video:

So, given everything you've seen here today, would you say that Kardashian and Thompson are healing? Here are my two cents: I think that they are definitely. And it's wonderful to see.

Just to recap what happened between these two: In April 2018, when Kardashian was a few days into childbirth, The Daily Mail claimed that Thompson had cheated on him . In the report, The Daily Mail publishes videos purporting to show that Thompson kissed another woman, which of course triggered some alarms. Elite Daily contacted the Kardashian and Thompson teams about the report, but had no response at the time of publication.

Kardashian was literally hours away from giving birth to their first child together when the report came out. This is a very difficult situation for both parties.

Kardashian gave birth a few days later and spent several months in Cleveland working on his relationship with Thompson.

In May 2018, a source told People that Kardashian and Thompson were experiencing ups and downs in their relationship. Elite Daily contacted the Kardashian and Thompson teams about the report, but had no response at the time of publication. The source told People :

She has good and bad days with Tristan. They had a very quiet relationship before these videos and photos were released. Now their relationship has changed.

This source also said People that although the relationship was not very stable at the time, they were still trying to repair the wounds of the cheating scandal:

It is difficult for Khloe to trust Tristan when he goes out of town for games. She knows that her family is right when she warned him not to trust him. But she still wants to try to have an excellent relationship with Tristan again.

From the appearance of these Snapchat videos, Thompson and Kardashian really worked. They seem satisfied in their lives and in their relationships with each other. More importantly, they seem totally committed to being good parents for True Baby.

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